Saturday, February 2, 2008

Things I Learned Today

Why the hell didn't anyone tell me the Post Office doesn't sell envelopes? And isn't that bizarre? Why don't they sell them? That's like... A car dealership not selling spare parts, or a video store (remember those archaic things?) not selling... um... DVDs. Bad example. But it's weird, and I don't approve. And I have no envelopes. Although I'm sure Kinko's would sell them. 

The publishing industry should just let me Email them everything. I demand it.

Found a dead roach by my bed this morning. Lovely thing to wake up to.

I'm feeling a bit under the weather. My friend wants me to go out to a party with her tonight, but I kind of just want to lie here, write, and watch TV until I stop feeling crappy. I'm not sick, but I'm getting there. I can feel the tiny germs banding together, mobilizing and preparing to attack. 

Cold cans of soup - not the diet for a strong, healthy body. 

MST3K should be restarted. I should restart it. The world needs it.

Have a good Saturday. I'm going to work on some stories. 
- LV


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