Thursday, February 21, 2008

Real Life Is Irritating

So, I finally put aside a whole day just to write [ignoring my sinus headache, which has reached Biblical proportions], and instead I have spent a huge chunk of the day on the phone with my mother, and online searching for cheap flights and cheap hotels.

I'm not complaining [much]. It's just extremely stressful to have to make travel plans without conferring with my traveling companion [she's already in Europe, 7 hours ahead and her phone isn't working]. Plus my mom keeps screaming at me for being indecisive, which is a valid critique of my personality, but not helping the situation.

So I'm going to just book the flights, and if there's any issue on her part, we can change them. Right? Right. That is how I've decided to look at it.

Writing chapter five on the computer, because I got inspired and didn't feel like grabbing my notebook and looking for a pen. Poor Thanatos just got his ass kicked by Death. He may be my favorite character, because he's unabashedly an opportunist and a weasel. It's good to be comfortable with yourself.

Also have a short story idea I've been mulling over for a few weeks. I have a bunch of lines, and I know how it ends [roughly], but I haven't written anything down yet. It involves an old typewriter, New York in the winter, and other worlds. It's creepy and psychological and supernatural, or it will be once I've written it.

TROUBLESOME TRANSITIONS [AKA, in my mind, MURDERS & MONSTERS] is very talky. I haven't decided if this is a problem yet. But so far the scenes all involve people standing around talking, or researching and talking. So I added a bit of violence to chapter 5. I'm on page 70, making this the longest story I have ever written [not counting some truly awful screenplays I wrote in high school that were thinly veiled ripoffs of Quentin Tarantino films].

My sinus headache is worse. And I just chugged a whole coffee before I realized that 'nonfat' implies 'milk,' because I am stressed out and not very bright sometimes.

Does anyone else thing that K.D. LANG and CLAY AIKEN look like the same person?

FOOD NETWORK is a bad choice of entertainment when you're very hungry, and have no food to look forward to besides cold cans of soup and overpriced crappy coffee.

OK, off to book tickets, make plans, and hopefully get some damn writing done.

Happy Birthday ALAN RICKMAN!
- LV


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