Monday, February 11, 2008

Stupid Phone. Stupid People.

I've been writing for a while, and the phone keeps ringing and distracting me. But now it's dead, so I should have some peace. For a little while.

Got blood drawn after my job interview (which went pretty well, but not great; I kind of think I made a faux pas by admitting I fucked up my schedule last December at the old B&N. Damn me and my honesty.) More specifically, got blood drawn in a lab in the back of a Duane Reade. Also had to carry my own urine through Duane Reade, which was an unusual experience.

And that's all. I feel totally wiped out (they drew a SHITLOAD of blood), so I decided to rewrite the first chapter in a new, pretty composition book purchased solely for that purpose. I'm not done, and the new draft is already 11 pages. So huzzah for my new composition book.

I also tentatively titled the book, TROUBLESOME TRANSITIONS. I don't like it, but I felt the need to call it SOMETHING besides 'Death and Serial Killer Story.' It's based on a quote by ISAAC ASIMOV: 'Life is pleasant. Death is peaceful. It's the transition that's troublesome.'

Although in my story, none of that is true. Life is stressful. Death is exhausting, and the transition is the easiest part of the whole deal. But I love that quote. And my book needed a temporary title. So that's that.

I'm volunteering on Wednesday and Thursday for my friend's theater company, so I need to get a lot of writing done today and tomorrow. Because I want to keep this book going. Also, I decided not to cut my hair until it's done BEFORE I read that NEIL GAIMAN said the same thing when writing AMERICAN GODS. The difference is that I'm a girl so it's not a big deal, I can save my money to get it cut at a nice place, and I wanted to grow my hair out anyway.

But I SWEAR I got the idea before I knew he did it. We should just be best friends because of coincidences like these. I'm kidding, FYI.

Now all of you: scurry off and I'll get back to writing. Deal? Deal.
- LV


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