Friday, February 22, 2008

My Brain Hates Me

So I was watching ELIZABETH: THE GOLDEN AGE [SO disappointing, incidentally. CATE BLANCHETT is always great, but CLIVE OWEN just brooded, and the dialogue was ridiculous. I vote the movie get remade, and be entirely about SAMANTHA MORTON's character], and I got an idea for a story. A really, really good idea. Then I got another [bad movies inspire me; go figure]. But the bed was comfortable, so I didn't get up. I was distracted by something in the movie, and one idea went wherever ideas go when I don't write them down.

In a panic, I ran to my notebook and wrote down the other idea. But the first one was better. And I can't make it come back.

I didn't get much writing done. I was toying with an idea, and it didn't really work with the rest of the story, and the little I did write was just crap. So I stopped, and will write again tomorrow. I may devote the whole weekend to going to the gym and writing. Of course every time I say that, real life drags me out into the world by the hair. We'll see.

PAULA DEEN just stuck her entire finger in a strange man's mouth. I'm going to smoke a cigarette and go to sleep before she does anything else disturbing. Elle has had enough TV...
- LV


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