Tuesday, February 19, 2008

A Proper Post

I use a lot of British slang/phrases/spelling in my writing. Is that weird? I think it's weird.

Anyway. I am going to Europe for a week or so in March, and I am really excited. I'll be in Rome and Paris, which I've never been to before, with one of my closest friends, Kay. The earlier freak-out post alluded to her inviting me, then thinking she had to uninvite me, the realizing she was wrong and I was once again invited. Let me tell you, it was fucking hell on my nerves.

But I am really, really looking forward to it. I feel like I've been in a slump, and generally unpleasant to be around as I figure out what the hell to do with my little life. My friends have all been so supportive, and I have not always been a real pleasure to be around.

This trip will be good. I will get out of my head, see the world, and have some 'life experiences' as my mother calls them with no trace of irony in her voice.

IN BRUGES was a fantastic film. Did I already say that? Well, it's worth reiterating. Great fucking film. COLIN FARRELL is at his best since TIGERLAND.

Writing-wise, I'm transcribing all my handwritten notes onto the computer, because I don't yet have an unpaid intern who will do that for me. It's probably good, because as I type I add a lot more to the story. We're at 52 pages and the fourth chapter. I like short chapters. They make me happy. Although they're all going to get a shitload longer once I do the second draft.

I haven't had sushi in weeks. Good sushi in months. Maybe this whole year. That's so depressing.
- LV


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