Thursday, November 5, 2009

Good News, Everyone! There's A Report On TV With Some Very Bad News!

* It's nice that he can see the positive side, right? Even though we're all doomed? Title is from Futurama.

Apocalypse How?
* The internet. Our flicker god of porn and wisdom. Apparently, internet addiction is like drug addiction, which means people who SHOOT YOU for a fix, so one day when SkyNet destroys the internet and none of us can play FarmVille, the world will erupt into a howling vortex of violence and crazed people making the Dial-Up noise as they slaughter people. TRUTH.

* 2010 can't come fast enough:

[Found at ISS]
I want to send a copy to Dr. Horrible. Maybe he'll spare me then.

* I loved Rainbow Brite as a child. Loved her, wanted her horsey with the pretty hair, and her power to make rainbows, which when your six seems pretty useful in daily life. But they've redone it, for reasons beyond me, but to be honest I'm sort of OK with it:

[Found at Topless Robot]
She's not MY Rainbow Brite, obviously, but you know what? She doesn't look like a transvestite hooker, and she's fully clothed, and that's ALL I can expect from the media anymore.
On the other hand...

* Have you been watching Girl Number 9? Gareth David-Lloyd is in it. And it's sort of fantastic, and we're up to webisode four.

Daily Hot Guy

[Gareth David-Lloyd, AKA Ianto Jones from Torchwood, AKA THE HOTTEST OF THE WELSHMEN and I still can't talk about Children of the Earth, guys, but it's OK, because he'll be Watson in an undoubtedly SUCKISH Sherlock Holmes adaptation, and I am fine with that.]

People I Love
* Don't read this article. Really. It is BLASPHEMY, because EVERY PIECE OF WORK BY BRUCE CAMPBELL IS ESSENTIAL. All of them. EVEN his 3 seconds in Fargo. So don't read this article. DON'T CLICK THE LINK. IT OFFENDS THE CHIN.

Stuff To Live

[Found at Like Cool]

* This is for all my friends who play World of Warcraft (you know who you are). It's the Tankard O'Terror, and you can buy it and drink from it, and then slaughter your enemies.

[Found at Geekologie]
I would buy this for my friends, if I had money, because it's that cool. It's four pounds of WIN. RAISE THE TANKARD TO THE SKY.

Sorry for the shortish entry. Running late, and have decided I have Hamthrax. Whether I do or not is irrelevant.
- LV


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