Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Who Was Murdered, & Was It Gruesome?

* Richard Castle, sensitivity counselor. Title is from Castle.

* Patience found further proof that I am supposed to be living in England, RIGHT NOW:


* Here's a list of classic occult books. These are not 'OMIGOD I saw The Craft and I am a witch now!' books. These are the real shit, the history and theory behind these beliefs. Very interesting. I want to read about alchemy. I need to make a gold puppy for one of my friends.

* Say what you will, toys were way more ass-kicking back in the day, especially slime-based toys:

[Found at Topless Robot]
I HAD THIS. And it stained all my clothes, and my parents despised it, which made me love it even more. I would pretend Slimer was my pet, and I had to find him. It was the most fun. Now they just have freaking computerized shit. NO SLIME AT ALL.

But where's the Gak? I would pretend Gak was my alien pet from the My Teacher Is An Alien book series. I had the best childhood. CAN YOU STILL BUY GAK?

* Larissa sent me this right before I fell asleep the other night:

Yeah, I was awake for a long time.

People I Love
* It's so easy to make fun of someone who asks a stupid question. This person, however, surpasses that:

[Found at Geekologie]
I love this person. I salute you, Yahoo! Answers Dude. You are my Hero of The Day.

Daily Hot Guy

[Zachary Quinto. Insert stupid and juvenile but totally accurate 'mind meld' joke.]

Stuff To Live
* File this under, 'LV didn't read the whole article because the product is shiny and violent and tiny, and these things win her over completely, and it kills you at specific times, maybe.'

[Found at Crunch Gear]
It's teeny tiny! I'm amused!

* Guys, this is NOT OK:
d'Armond Speers spoke only Klingon to his child for the first three years of its life.

Klingon? Not Spanish, French, Mandarin? Not some gutteral genuflecting concoction from the deepest recesses of Borneo? Klingon? ...

"I was interested in the question of whether my son, going through his first language acquisition process, would acquire it like any human language," Speers told the Minnesota Daily. "He was definitely starting to learn it."

HE DOESN'T EVEN LIKE STAR TREK. THAT MAKES IT EVEN WORSE. This isn't some deranged fan who thinks that the Klingons are totally coming to visit and are going to need an ambassador when they show up. THIS IS JUST TWEAKED. Poor kid. I hope the kid sues the fuck out of his dad when he gets old enough, then sells the rights to the story. He might be able to pay for his therapy at that point.

PS. Did you know some people translate Shakespeare into Klingon? That's sort of awesome. BECAUSE IT'S NOT FUCKING WITH KIDS. DO YOU SEE THE DIFFERENCE. I need more coffee.

* The Green Lantern movie is going to be the death of my faith in comic movies. YOU HEARD IT HERE FIRST.

* I still hate Sex & The City (post-traumatic stress disorder, I'll explain at another time), but I absolutely agree with everything this blog says about Charlotte vs. Carrie. CARRIE CAN SUCK IT. SHE FAILS AT EVERYTHING.

Words Of Win

[Found at AutoComplete Me by the epic Dan Faust]

ONLY.... some shopping days until Christmas. I'mma go work on my list.
- LV


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