Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Oh No. I Broke History.

* It's OK, Hiro. It was pretty much wrecked to begin with. Title is from Heroes. Before it became a joke.

* I want more pumpkins:

[Drawn by Erin]
This skill could also get you into the circus, maybe. Except for the clowns, I would love that.

* This is a picture. Of Edward Cullen. From Twilight. It costs $500.00:

[Found at Regretsy]
He looks like the love-child of Lestat and Snape with a really bad haircut.

* My first thought upon seeing this picture was that the aliens look an awful lot like the blob. Then I found out that humans were expected to eat this:

It's a Twinkie casserole. I support Twinkies in all forms. ALL FORMS. They are delicious. But THESE Twinkies have been tortured and dumped into strawberry jello. That should be illegal. This is what I imagine certain ORGANS look like.

But it's called the Cosby Casserole. That's funny.

* Nancy Pelosi rockin' the crib with health care, ya'll.

* More information on naked Levi Johnston, sperminator of the eldest daughter of Palin. Naked naked naked! This is eternally amusing. And we might be getting all of Levi's Johnston. THAT was in poor taste. I apologize for finding this as funny as I do.

* For what it's worth, I do not think that you should get maternity leave if you aren't a mother. Yeah, I'm weird like that. But I WOULD like the day off, as I am coughing quite violently. Also a cookie.

Apocalypse How?
* You know what, Mr. Scientist Man? I DON'T want robots to take over the world. I am NOT OK with that. I'm not prepared for a robot apocalypse. Only zombies. The world would not be a better place if robots ran it. Robot zombies? OH WHY DID I EVEN THINK THAT?

* I have a bad cough today OH GOD IT MUST BE SWINE FLU SAVE ME. Oh, wait:

[Found at Neatorama]
Never mind, then.

Daily Hot Guy
tom felton Pictures, Images and Photos
[Tom Felton, from the Harry Potter series. Remember when he was a fat-headed little child? No, I don't like to remember that either. He's all angular now. I like angles. He was also really quite good in the Half-Blood Prince.]

* I've never read Jonathan Safran Foer. Not as any ethical thing, I just had roommate who loved him, and all my teachers thought he was the be-all of modern writers, and I never got around to him. I might, one day.

So I have no issue with his writing. HOWEVER, if he's writing about not eating meat, I have many issues, because I GET IT. So enjoy this list of eleven things you could do instead of reading JSF's new book about not eating meat. I know I did.

Doctor Who
* I would like a copy of David Tennant's Hamlet, please. So I can compare it to Jude Law's Hamlet. And Mr. Tennant should act out the whole thing. For research, clearly.

[Found at David Tennant]

People I Love
* I know the episode already aired, but it's Tuesday and I don't feel good STILL, and isn't this getting to be a bit MUCH, and anyway, Nathan Fillion as Richard Castle from Castle DRESSED UP AS Captain Mal Reynolds from Firefly?
[Found at Topless Robot]
I think my geek organ (we all have one) exploded with joy. Also that's a sexy gun holster.

I have been sick way too much lately. Nathan Fillion and Bruce Campbell need to join forces and cure me. FOR JUSTICE.
- LV


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