Friday, January 22, 2010

All Facts Start As Dreams Dreamt By A Wizard.

* Actually, that explains an awful lot. About everything. Title is from Mr. Show with Bob & David.

I haven't done a check-in with my friends and how they're making the internet awesome lately, have I? Let's do that, shall we?

* MissBanshee, hero of Dirty Jersey, 1/3 of my 'sisters from another mister,' actually talks to crazy people. No, like really crazy. The insane homeless love her ALMOST AS MUCH AS I DO, and she will one day use her army of crazy homeless to defeat the Jersey Shore Menace. Follow her on Twitter here.

* Laroux74 is one of my oldest friends, ANOTHER 1/3 of 'sisters from another mister,' and she is a musical GODDESS, and she knows more about cool shit than you do, AND she has no patience for bullshit bartenders, and if she loves you, you live forever. TRUFAX. Follow her on Twitter here.

* Millarca is most strange and extraordinary. She is all fabulosity and fierceness, and if she runs for President of the Universe, I will vote for her, and the world will be a better place, and there will be more tattoos and glitter and animals, and secks0rs and KNITTING. Also, Ianto would be OK. Follow her on Twitter here.

* Dances With Elvis with either A) fuck you up for being a fool, or b) Fill your life with science and art and EPIC AWESOME. It depends on how dumb you are. And how much caffeine she's had. Follow her on Twitter here.

* When Stina takes over the world by force, cleverness, and her wicked comprehension of technology, stupid people will be banned, so you'd better be freaking nice to her now. Also, she will tell the world scary stories over her intercom that covers the planet, and it will be great. But Peeps will be executed. Follow her on Twitter here.

Help For Haiti
* Ambrosia and Bliss continues their selling of all things pretty, and for every item sold, $10.00 gets donated to the American Red Cross:

Does this yarn make anyone else feel calm, and sort of like listening to Jefferson Airplane? Just me? All right, then.

* Yberry is donating 25% of all sales to Doctors Without Borders, AND her shipping is free, and really, she may be a Yarn Fairy:

Come on, magic is TOTALLY involved in this process.

* Not to be outdone, UglyShmugly is donating 100% of her January sales to Haiti. These rowmarkers will make your knitting feel PRETTY:

My knitting needs to feel pretty. JUST SAYING.

* Knot My Day Job lets you give 25% of your sale to Doctors Without Borders, WHILE BUYING spindles. And yarn.

I need to learn how to use a spindle. Without destroying the planet. You laugh because you underestimate my skills of clumsiness.

Words Of Win

[Found at Friggin Random]


[Found at CakeSpy]
OK, I will calm down. This is a St. Louis Gooey Butter cake. It is made with yellow cake mix, butter, eggs, sugar, AND THE GROUND UP WINGS OF FAIRIES. Sorry, but look at it! I want to nom it with my coffee. MAKE THIS HAPPEN. Has anyone eaten this? Was it everything I like to imagine?

* This is a great way to use your old cassettes, especially if you're like me and simply cannot throw out old media because part of you believes that when the zombie apocalypse comes, only old-school things will work. Ahem. This is a cassette tape closet:

[Found at Incredible Things]
Of course, this becomes much less impressive if you have lame cassettes. Like, if you have everything Yanni has ever done on cassette, maybe you keep your cassette tape closet in the basement. Or the attic. Away from mocking eyes.

Daily Hot Guy

[Seth MacFarlane, who I must repeat, AD NAUSEAM, is probably a hideous bastard, and I don't even WATCH half the shit he does, but his voice is EAR SEX, and he is so smug I can't help but be sort of charmed (attracted), AND he hangs out with Seth Green, which means he's a good person. IT'S A FACT.]
Oh, and this video of Seth MacFarlane doing Family Guy voices is amazing. Really. Yeah, voice pron is VITAL to true love.

* So.... poo helps you learn?

[Found at Nerd Approved]
I... it's poo. What does it teach me? That dinosaurs used to poo? That dinosaurs are AWESOME and maybe I should just go buy a copy of Jurassic Park on DVD, because no one's life is complete without it? That poo is funny no matter HOW old you are? That poo can be fossilized, and millions of years from now may be all that's left of you? That even at 24, and a Responsible Adult, your faithful blogger still wants a pet raptor to ride around on and maybe eat people who anger her?

Wow. I did learn a lot.

* I want to see this movie soooo badly, and I apologize for NOTHING:

Angels with guns. And tattoos. And they blow shit up. I'm not kidding, I will go see this myself.
And yeah, Paul Bettany is hot and British. Not that I notice such things.

May your Friday be pleasant and uneventful. Or filled with hot British angels sworn to protect you from the apocalypse.
- LV


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