Monday, January 18, 2010

Who In The World Would Send You Feces In The Mail!?

* This is one of those conversations you never want to have with your mother. Title is from Six Feet Under.

Help For Haiti
* GrrrlShapedYarns is donating all her proceeds to Haiti. And her yarn is like yarn!pron:

Seriously, want is a gross understatement.

*YBerry is donating 25% of her proceeds to Doctors Without Borders, so you get good karma and SEXY yarn:

* When you buy yarn from AmbrosiaAndBliss, you're donating $10.00 to the America Red Cross in the process!

Moment Of Win
fail owned pwned pictures
see more Epic Fails

Words Of Win
fail owned pwned pictures
see more Epic Fails

* It is Monday, and I think I deserve this:

[Found at CakeSpy]
THAT is a goddamn cupcake milkshake. YES. They have been combined, and LIFE IS GOOD AND SWEET. My plan is to eat these until I descend into a sugar coma. Ergo, I can sleep in! BRILLIANT! I see no flaws in this plan.

Daily Hot Guy

[Hugh Laurie, AKA Doctor Gregory House, AKA AU Sherlock Holmes, who I still recall as the tall silly man from A Bit of Fry & Laurie. I knew he wasn't American from the BEGINNING. Incidentally, if you've seen him on Blackadder, I recommend using some of his pick-up lines on women:
Tally ho, my fine, saucy young trollop. Your luck's in. Trip along here with all your cash and some naughty night attire, and you'll be staring at my bedroom ceiling from now till Christmas, you lucky tart. Yours with the deepest respect etc. Signed George. PS Woof, woof!

I know lines like these get ME in a tizzy.

* On one hand, this candle that lets you pretend your ex-boyfriend is in hell is juvenile, immature, and hostile.

[Found at Nerd Approved]
On the other... it's much less illegal than setting your REAL ex on fire.

Girly Want

[Found at Net-A-Porter]
Really. These shoes are $700 (including shipping and handle and taxes). So, my choice is: CAR PAYMENTS AND CREDIT CARD BILLS, or shoes. That's unfair. That's CRUEL. I vote we rise up and TAKE the pretty shoes. FIGHT THE MACHINE. CHEAP SHOES FOR EVERYONE.

I tried to find a clip of Jen from The IT Crowd mumbling dementedly about her shoes, but I could not find one, so instead enjoy Moss singing the emergency number. If anyone has an audio clip of Moss singing this, I will be your BEST FRIEND FOREVER. Seriously. I cannot find an audio rip of just Moss singing. The part I'm trying to get starts at 1:06.

* No, really, WHUT?!
Arthur Firstenberg is suing his neighbour for $530,000 for refusing to switch off her iPhone, claiming that the electromagnetic fields generated are destroying his health.

Not only does Mr. Firstenberg want the iPhone switched off, but he also reckons that leaving the iPhone and a laptop charging overnight is denying him the sleep he so badly needs, according to the filing spotted by the Santa Fe Reporter. This is apparently why his half-million claim includes $100,000 for pain and suffering.

I am definitely immune to caffeine. Maybe scientists will pay me to test their products?
- LV


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