Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Man, These Anti-Piracy Ads Are Getting Really Mean.

* Pretty soon people will stand behind you and beat you if you download a video. Title is from The IT Crowd.

* Did you watch Human Target last night? it's corny and amazing and Guerrero makes the show everything it could be and more, and his mustache has secret powers, and SIMON TAM FROM FIREFLY WAS ON LAST NIGHT. Fangirl fangasm. Times infinity. It's a really fun show, and I encourage you all to watch it, so you understand my Twitter shrieks of 'HE HAS THE ANTIDOTE UNDER HIS 'STACHE.'

* I hate to say it, but Scott Brown won the election fair and square, and ran a much better campaign than his competition, Democrat Fail, and frankly I think people complaining about him winning need to look at a good campaign versus a bad campaign (WHO INSULTS FENWAY PARK? WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT? DO YOU KNOW WHERE YOU'RE CAMPAIGING) and concede that he ran a better game. It's that simple.

Political-politics aside, this makes me sort of like him, because it's horrifying and funny and any teenage (or former teenage) girl can understand the profound humiliation we are witnessing:

OK, Scott Brown, you're sort of entertaining.

Girly Want
* Oh. My. God. I am a short girl Five foot even. I am dainty and wee. Perhaps as a result, I enjoy insane big-ass shoes that kick the shit out of everything, such as these, which would make me normal height:

[Found at Shoe Lust]
Look at these gorgeous bastards. They are exquisite. I could kick the crap out of EVERYTHING. I would run around kicking things, and looking badass, and be fierce and tall-ish. SHORT PEOPLE REPRESENT.

Life Lessons

[Found at Indexed]

* Yes, I will probably see Clash of the Titans at some point, for two very good reasons: Ralph Fiennes and Liam Neeson. In the meantime, here are some pictures of Sam Worthington, AKA Tall Blue Dude from the Sex Hair Movie:

[Found at Collider]
He's pretty, OK? But I prefer the dulcet tones of Liam Neeson and Ralph Fiennes, thank you very much.

Daily Hot Guy

[Patrick Wilson and his wife, and I'm mostly posting this picture because I dearly love a man who can rock a hat, and God DAMN, sir, you can rock that hat hard. Well done.]

* This hurts my brain. I want this so badly. I would devote my life to solving it:

[Found at Contact Music]
I could solve this puzzle, with copious amounts of caffeine and a REALLY clear social calendar. Maybe.

Tattoo Of Win

[Found at Oddee]
There are nine other weird types of tattoos, but if you need me, I'll be staring at the PIGGIES WITH THE SERIOUS INK.

funny pictures of dogs with captions
see more dog and puppy pictures

Seriously, how is it only Wednesday? I need to know how this is possible. This seems like the longest goddamn week in the history of the universe. ARE WE IN A TIME VORTEX? Because if so, I need a doctor. THE Doctor.

I need more coffee.
- LV


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