Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Shut Your Noise Tube, Taco Human!

* What exactly IS a... you know what? I don't want to know. Title is from Invader Zim.

* I'm sorry, but it takes cojones grandes to fry chicken after breaking and entering. He's sort of my hero. My jailed hero.
An eastern Pennsylvania man was charged after he allegedly broke into a home, cut his hair and prepared fried chicken before being discovered.

* This possibly made my whole week:

[Found at Best Week Ever]
See? It's all a conspiracy. AND AND did you notice it has the October release date at the bottom? WHO RUNS PARAMOUNT? I'm sorry, I'll be quiet now.

Social Networking
* Do you have 200, 300, 400 friends on Facebook? Well, start culling the herd.
But Robin Dunbar, professor of Evolutionary Anthropology at Oxford University, has revealed that human brains are only capable of managing a scant 150 friendships; a number that hasn't changed throughout history, despite our modern fascination with Twitter, blogging and Facebook.

LIES. I remember everyone on my Facebook! Especially.... what? Yeah, this is probably accurate. But Professor Dunbar needs to remember that a large percentage of people who are your friends on Facebook are really 'people I knew in middle school and hated, but they added me and I don't care enough to not add them back.'


[Found at Unique Daily]

Daily Hot Guy

[Ian Somerhalder, who is on that show Vampire Diaries and it looks terrible and I will NOT watch it, even though he seems to be evil and snarky and gorgeous.... and pretty.... and mean.... DAMMIT, CW.]

Words of Win
political pictures for your blog
see more Political Pictures

Moment of Win
fail owned pwned pictures
see more Epic Fails

OK, have work early today. Also, Human Target is on tonight. Just like saying that....
- LV


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