Sunday, January 3, 2010

JEN? Is Roy Off The Phone Yet? The Spider Is Now Upon My Person.

* I cannot emphasize how much I love Maurice Moss. Title is from The IT Crowd.

* I have a Tumblr now, although I'm honestly not quite sure what the hell I'm meant to do with it. But I HAVE one, and if you're curious, check it out, and add me.

* The following speakers cost $263,000.00:

[Found at DVICE]
I want you to stop and think about this. The speakers cost $263,000. MUSIC SPEAKERS. As in, if you're buying these things, it seems reasonable to spend over $260,000 on SPEAKERS. TO LISTEN TO MUSIC. WHICH MEANS YOU HAVE MONEY LEFT OVER. WHO IS BUYING THESE, AND WHY ARE THEY NOT MY FRIEND WHO LIKES TO LOAN ME MONEY?

Also, and this is entirely my own prejudice, I highly doubt anyone buying these speakers has good music taste. They're probably listening to Milli Vanili. I NEED TO BELIEVE THIS AS I LISTEN TO EXCELLENT MUSIC ON MY SAD, $30.00 speakers that I had to CHARGE OH GOD WHY IS LIFE SO UNFAIR?


[Found at Regretsy]
This is creepy. Imposing your face into a picture of your fandom? That is the sort of thing that lands you on a list. A Bad List. You want to Photoshop things like that, FINE, but don't pay other people to do it for you. Hell, I'll PhotoShop it for you, for free, just so you don't spend your money on things like this.
Although 'GWASH' is sort of a great word.

* It's the last day of the break, and honestly I have no IDEA what the internet is trying to do to me, because WHEN DID WE INVENT CAT FOOD SCENTED SOAP?

[Found at Nerd Approved]
Do you use it to attract the cats? Or to smell like cats when you're away from home. CAT FOOD SMELLS LIKE SICK. Cats don't even like how it smells, they are simply drawn to it like the CRACK it is.

Star Trek
* .....OR IS IT?!
epic fail pictures
see more Epic Fails

* TeeVee!Art!

[Found at PopCulture Cooking]


* Marvel SmartAss mocks because he loves. The following panel manages to include both:

[Found at Marvel SmartAss]
He explains what he loves by DERISION. I just mock. It's a rare and wonderful skill. Plus, he adores Stan Lee FOR the corniness, rather than trying to get around it. I respect that. Stan Lee's corny writing is one of his most endearing qualities. Plus, Iron Man.

Daily Hot Guy
[Note: Either later today or tomorrow there is going to be a David Tennant pic!spam, because I am preparing myself to watch The End of Time today, and I am fully prepared for it to wreck me. Ergo, Pictures of David Tennant will comfort me in my darkest hour. My darkest TV hour. Shut up STOP JUDGING ME.]

[Fran Kranz, AKA Topher from Dollhouse, and WHY is this picture so sensual to me? Like, I find it very sexy. Is it the couch? Is it him ON the couch? Do I have a couch problem that needs further investigation? I don't need this. It's Sunday, and I'm tired, and I have work to do, so someone send over Topher. With that couch. We're going to watch Doctor Who.]

* Candy sushi! Candy sushi!

[Found at Incredible Things]
Just replace the rice with rice krispie treats, the seaweed with fruit roll-ups, spicy tuna with twizzlers and avocado with gummy worms.
I'd serve it for dessert after a meal of real sushi. JUST TO SCREW WITH PEOPLE'S MINDS. Is it sweet? Is it spicy? WHO KNOWS? I do. I do.

Words of Win
* Sometimes, people are awesome:
In an impressive bid to make the police's work easier, a burglar in the U.S. managed to accidentally take a picture of himself with his victim's mobile phone while robbing their house.

* The following is NSFW, but so hilarious and WTF that I am posting a picture REGARDLESS, so maybe hide this from your boss if you're at work, unless your boss is into this sort of thing:

[Found at Regretsy]
And now click here to see the full picture, and the NEKKID people, and Martha Stewart (but clothed).

* I love weird books. This is a whole website of weird books, titled, appropriately, BookFail. I want these books. But not this one:

[Found at BookFail]
The girl on the cover terrifies me.

Doctor Who


If you need me, I'll be ingesting huge amounts of caffeine to psychologically prepare myself for The End Of Time.
- LV

PS Followed by alcohol.


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