Saturday, January 23, 2010

That's The Worst Goodbye I've Ever Heard. & You Stole It From A Movie.

* But it's Tallahassee, god dammit! That makes it all OK, right? RIGHT? Title is from Zombieland.

Moment Of Win
* This actually makes me very sad:
fail owned pwned pictures
see more Epic Fails
But it does say an AWFUL LOT about the universe, does it not?

Doctor Who
* The only thing missing from this insanely gorgeous drawing is Ianto Jones.

Dr Who II by *J-Redd on deviantART
But A) He's technically just from Torchwood, and
B) That much goodness might kill me. I WANT THIS.
There is tons more goodness here at Redd Life Art Works. Make him draw Harley Quinn, OK?

* All I can say about this article is: CAPTAIN KIRK SHOULD HAVE BEEN ON DOLLHOUSE. Just the idea blows my mind. MY MIND IS BLOWN. Can you imagine him trading barbs with Alpha Wash? I just want this in my life. Really, for the rest of my life, Echo will be referred to as 'Not-Kirk.'

Daily Hot Guy

[Jensen Ackles, AKA Dean Winchester from Supernatural, AKA Why Is This Dude Not Living In New Jersey, Where We Have The Ghosts And Demons And Also Many Diners? He's a hottie.

People I Love
* Ariana Osborne, colleague of Mr. Warren Ellis, writes a brilliant, wise, and funny piece on blogging, and what it does, and why we do it. I do it because I have a lot of nothing to say. END OF ANALYSIS.

* I will continue to post this picture because A) It is brilliant, B) I HAZ A ZOMBIE-HUNTING HAT AND MACHETE IN IT, and B) Zombieland is not out yet on DVD.

Merry Christmas Elle by ~darkravenkiki on deviantART

More than 200,000 Swedes joined a Facebook group claiming to be collecting donations to help earthquake victims in Haiti before it was revealed as a hoax by the “Swedish Necrophilia Association”.

Dude, I like a good (bad) joke as much as the next girl. Probably more. I enjoy some pretty twisted humor. But this is NOT funny, it's not clever, it's fucked up and stupid.

If you want to make bad jokes about the pain and suffering of others, I can't stop you. That is your right. If you want to be a brutally insensitive person, have at it. But DON'T screw around with people actually trying to get involved and help those in need. THAT is my issue. If you want to make tasteless, hurtful jokes about people DYING, go for it. But do NOT do something that will discourage people from donating needed money to a cause. OK???

* Am I the only girl who would be totally charmed if my boyfriend took me to White Castle for Valentine's Day? My favorite Valentine's Day date is STILL when my then-boyfriend took me to a horror movie, then out for my favorite French toast. Am I a cheap date? Maybe, but I think Valentine's Day should be more about having fun and doing things that will make each other happy, then spending shitloads of money.

Plus, I am from New Jersey, and I love White Castle. If a guy rented a limo to take me there, and made reservations, I would be THOROUGHLY happy. Just saying.

Today I see Legion. LIFE IS GOOD.


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