Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Election Day - 1:00 P.M.

Funny and sad all at once:

Things have slowed down the networks, as they slowly realize we all have several hours to go before we actually have anything to report on.

It's like everyone is waiting for the big football game to start, only the team is busy snorting crack and chasing giggling hookers through a church (or whatever pro football players do before a game), so the announcers are forced to entertain thousands of drunk, surly fans for hours while the coach calls the SWAT team to bring in the players. And the crowd starts to hate the announcers, because they can only say so much about how great the game will be before violence seems like an entertaining diversion. Not that I'm encouraging violence.

On MSNBC, John Harris from Politico is trying to give a concise and intelligent analysis of the race while some emergency alarm squeals in the background and bright lights flash out their concern.

According to this chart from Open Left, the polls are usually incredibly accurate. Which is a good thing for those of us rooting for Obama, but not really enough reassurance to make me close my laptop and go shopping.

Polling places opened late in Virginia, and there are some issues in Pennsylvania. Wasn't this supposed to be the election where we DIDN'T have any of these problems? Isn't this period in time stressful enough without the machine exploding, or deleting all the votes? People are waiting for hours in line to vote, there was a report of a woman FLYING to Florida from Philadelphia, if memory serves, and she had to wait for like two additional hours before she could even get to the machines.

I was worried I'd break the machine. Technology and I don't get along. With my luck, the thing would burst into flames, or somehow vote ten thousand times for McCain. Then I'd be in jail for voter fraud, and he'd be President, and the other inmates would beat me up and do all the awful things I never saw on Oz, because the concept of that show freaked me out so much I couldn't bring myself to sit through an episode. That didn't happen, luckily. The machine worked... BUT FOR HOW LONG?!

Gawker has some remarkable pictures of the lines people are enduring in order to vote. It makes me feel slightly guilty that my own experience was so painless and quick.

On Facebook, we're up to 1,842,964 votes. I'd normally point to this as a sign that young people are indeed voting, giving the metaphorical middle finger to the establishment, except for the fact that I know an awful lot of older people (middle aged and elderly) who have Facebooks. Besides being creepy, it's skewing my totally unfounded thesis that young people are voting. But I'm going to keep saying it, if only to shut up the smug older people I know who insist that the Youth of America will spend today getting stoned, having unprotected sex, and grooving to Whitesnake.


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