Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Election Day - 3:00 P.M.

For a change of pace, I'm blogging outside on my back porch while I enjoy a soothing cigarette. If a sudden downpour destroys my computer, you are all free to laugh. I know I would.

It's kind of irritating that Sarah Palin won't say who she voted for. Does she thinks she's being coy and mysterious? Does she really expect people to be going, "Gosh, I wonder who she voted for considering SHE'S ON THE TICKET"? What is going on in her well-coiffed head? Unless, just to piss off McCain, she voted for Obama. Then I would grudgingly admit she's kind of incredible, while still being batshit insane. Unfortunately, that seems unlikely.

Who the hell is calling people up in Virginia giving them phony election dates? More importantly, who would believe a strange phone call claiming that for the first time in recorded history, the voting date has changed? Would you be inclined to check online, or ask a friend? WHAT IS GOING ON IN VIRGINIA? The air is thick with intrigue, and cigarette smoke. And here's another scandal, in high-tech form.

The clip from The View I was ranting about earlier. Wow, has this much madness occurred on one day? How much more must we take before the dust settles? How long, Oh Lord? (Apologies to Dr. Thompson)

FiveThirtyEight satisfies my obsessive need to look at polls all day.

And, in a sign that the third Horseman is saddling up, Joe The Plumber plans to write a book.


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