Sunday, November 2, 2008

Facts, Updates, & Statistics

Wow. I just looked at my view counter reports, (that nifty little thing at the bottom of the page) and October 2008 will go down in history as the most unique visitors this blog has ever gotten (484). Oddly enough, the most page views I've ever gotten is 594, back in September 2007.

So, yay to all the people reading this. And tell your friends. Please? More hits make ElleVee happy, makes the world a place of sunshine and David Beckham underwear ads.

And, well I'm shamelessly self-promoting, PLEASE tell your friends and family, and anyone you might know, about this blog's Live Election Day Coverage. I will spend all of Tuesday doing continuous updates on the Election, watching the news and reporting on events, reading other blogs, covering rumors, facts, and weird anecdotes. Plus my own voting experience will be recorded for posterity.

It will be AMAZING, and a Real Historical Artifact, and Important. Plus, I'll be getting up at, like, six in the morning to BLOG for you people. I am willing to sacrifice SLEEP for Journalistic Integrity. So link to this blog, promote, whatever, or I will be a very sad little girl cranky from lack of sleep.

My lovely friend Arre (who is, regrettably, not a pirate, but in another universe MIGHT be, if pirates are quiet and really like watching Dexter) showed me the site ProBlogger which has many wonderful tips on getting more people to read my insane little corner of the web.

What else? It was a quiet weekend. I'm working on my vampire novel, and it's getting positive responses from the few people who've read it.

You all better vote on Tuesday. This is HUGE, PEOPLE. DO YOU SEE HOW SHOUTY I AM? ELECTION SHOUTING!

And I need to work on my book. And mentally prepare myself for getting up insanely early on Election Day, and the general stress that day brings. There will most likely be drinking on that day, as well. Drinking is a vital part of the democratic process.

Elections always make me miss Hunter S. Thompson. I watch TV, and listen to the speeches, and watch the ads, and read the articles, and I can't help but wonder what the Good Doctor would have said about this stuff. And I SUFFER. Can you imagine what Dr. Thompson would have said about Sarah Palin? And Cindy McCain? Hell, even if he'd gone and ripped Barack Obama, at least it would have been entertaining, and this Election desperately needs some perspective, someone who can say, "This is all sorts of bullshit."

So I've been rereading Fear and Loathing: On The Campaign Trail which I do once a year anyway, and twice in Election Years, and I keep trying to imagine the never-to-exist Hunter book on the 2008 Election, and I can't. I simply lack the chops to even dream up Thompson-style prose. So on Election Day, whatever the results, I will have a drink of Gonzo Beer in honor of Good Doctor, who could not be with us today, but whose presence is sorely missed.

Well, THAT was a tangent. I think, if I want this blog to be more marketable, I should probably curse less. It's unbecoming for a young lady to swear, according to my grandmother. Then again, she's voting for McCain, and thinks I'm a Communist drug addict, so we don't really listen to her.

OK, off to work on my book.
- LV


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