Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Quitting Is Awesome

I may have to give up on Interview With The Vampire. I've been trying to read it again - I've tried before, but given up. I just HATE these characters. Like, really. Every page I read, I pray that the next line will be, "...And then Louis was killed tragically, and never whined like a little bitch again, and Lestat died too." Then the next few hundred pages would be a description of their bodies rotting. I'm serious - I would rather read hundreds of pages about decomposition than one more line of Louis pontificating on how miserable and angsty he is, and "What does it all mean?" At least the movie had Brad Pitt and his silky, flowing hair.

I'm still reading it, but it's a chore. I'm not enjoying myself. I want to give up, and sheer stubbornness is the only thing keeping me going. Maybe I don't get vampire literature. Or maybe Anne Rice just sucks. Both are possible.

Anyway. I'm still alive, despite the lack of blogging. There's some heavy things going on at the home base, and it's keeping me from blogging/E-Mailing/having a social life. Which is, you know, fun. Nothing I enjoy more than worrying all the time and having no fun, aside from reading. Is 2008 over yet? Because, seriously, this year has sucked.

I'm very excited about House tonight, because it's an extended episode, and it looks like Thirteen might finally die and stop pissing me off, although the plot sort of reminds me of that shitty movie Desperate Measures, with Michael Keaton. Whatever happened to him? He made White Noise, and fell off the face of the Earth. Do you remember what a big deal Multiplicity was when it came out? How the mighty have fallen.

Oh, and last week's episode made me cry. For those who haven't seen it, skip this paragraph. I was fine the whole episode, and not even that involved. Todd Louiso was in it, which was nice - he was great in High Fidelity - but I was sort of bored, until House yelled at him about being a coward who had wanted nothing more than to put flowers on his girlfriend's grave. AND HE COULDN'T. BECAUSE HE WAS AGORAPHOBIC. And I cried. Then when he finally MANAGED to go out, with that one goal in mind, I CRIED SOME MORE. And then, when House went to Cuddy's but couldn't go in, and just lurked outside like the hottest stalker in history, I cried again. I think I have some real emotional problems.

I completely agree with this, but I still love the damn show. I also am going to petition Fox - a patient NEEDS to poop their lungs. The world would be a better place.

I really want to buy a new wardrobe. And about fifty books (my amazon wishlist AND my clothing wishlists are out of control). But I can't. I have no money, and while I am on call as a substitute, they haven't CALLED me just yet. Even though I've been waking up at 5:45 AM in case I get the damn call.

So that's life. Reading, worrying, and dreaming of expensive clothes and leather-bound books, and avoiding most of my friends because frankly I can't handle their drama on top of my own.

Next I'll be posting December upcoming movies. Even though I didn't get to see many movies this month. Seriously, I need to move out of Jersey to a place where people DO STUFF. This state is DULL.
- LV


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