Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Election Day - 8:00 P.M.

Projected Winners
McCain - Kentucky (8)
Obama - Vermont (3)

Maybe it's because I've been psychotically trolling the web all day, and watching several news networks, but I'm almost numb now that the polls have started closing. I'm too exhausted to care. That's not true. I care desperately, but I'm too wiped to emote.

Virginia is leaning towards McCain, but it's still too early to call. I am feeling very shouty and paranoid, and would like a hug from

Next polls closing: North Carolina, Ohio, and West Virginia.

If Obama can just win Virginia, my stomach might stop curling. That's the only word for it. It's curling up to hide from the madness.

This is sort of sadistic, this percentage-by-percentage counting. I almost wish they'd just announce the results, none of this COUNTING crap.

I've never had less fun watching TV (except when I was forced to sit through a John Travolta marathon with my mom that included The Boy In The Plastic Bubble. Every four years, I forget how draining and angst-filled an election can be. And every four years, they cruelly remind me.

A brief but intense bout of yelling between me, my mom, and my little brother has exiled me to the kitchen with my alcohol.

The TV keeps reassuring me not to jump to any conclusions from these early results. Well, if that's what you want, STOP SHOWING ME THE RESULTS.

I think one of the CNN pundits was on Cheers.

Obama is leading in Florida, and I feel a surge of love and compassion for the Sunshine State, and all the lovely old people who live there.

He's also leading in the popular vote, but we know all too well how little that amounts to in the Big Picture.

I was right. It's going to be a long night. And I need to stay at least sober enough to type. I really don't want to become the female Spider Jerusalem, comic journalist battling The Beast in print, and writing The Truth for all. Even if he IS based on Hunter S. Thompson. I am not a cartoon, and his drug intake would most likely kill me, and anyway, Spider Jerusalem lives in the future with a patch that prevents cancer and he eats monkey brains. I do not, although I wouldn't say no to that patch, what with my cigarette love. The point is, you should all read Transmetropolitan. It's a good primer for the journalistic battle that will follow McCain's nomination. And if Obama wins (see me remaining negative?) it will be a reminder of how ruthless we must be in our search for The Truth.

I really dislike the 3D maps on MSNBC. I tried to watch FOX News, but their graphics made my eyes bleed a little bit. And looking back, that last paragraph goes on a mysterious and terrible tangent. But this is an exercise in Gonzo Journalism, as most blogging is. Or should be. I am not rewriting, or editing. Let your flaws hang out, people.

This has been a tense hour, as can be seen from the screaming, drinking, and rambling. And now Hugh Jackman is on, advertising Australia, and his arms and accent give me a momentary reprieve from these political shenanigans.

Last update for the hour before I scurry off to smoke and worry.
* Obama is leading in Florida, North Carolina & New Hampshire.
* McCain is leading in Georgia & Indiana.
* Obama has won Vermont, which I'm sure has shocked absolutely no one.
* McCain wins Kentucky, which also fails to surprise anybody with an IQ in double digits.

And I'm not sure, but someone might want to tell South Carolina that the guy who won their senate seat looks like he rapes blind puppies for fun. Just putting that out there.


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