Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Election Day - 9:00 P.M.

Elizabeth Dole is getting pummeled.

Current Leads
* Indiana - McCain
* Florida - Obama
* Virginia - McCain
* Ohio - Obama
* Texas - Obama (W.T.F.)
* Georgia - McCain
* North Carolina - Obama
* New Hampshire - Obama
* Indiana - McCain
* West Virginia - Obama

Projected Wins
* Kentucky - McCain
* Maine - Obama
* Illinois - Obama
* New Jersey - Obama (huzzah!)
* Vermont - Obama
* Connecticut - Obama
* DC - Obama
* Oklahoma - McCain
* Alabama - McCain

They keep projecting Obama as taking Pennsylvania, which would make me happy except that they have NO POLL RESULTS YET. This is like me predicting Oscar winners the day after they're nominated. It just unnerves me. Why are they doing this? Do they know something we don't? WHAT AREN'T THEY TELLING US?!

I mean, after the debacle of 2000, do you really think that they would make a prediction like that without some sort of insider knowledge? Are the people at MSNBC smoking weed, or are they In The Know? Only time will tell. And I want it to tell now. I am sleep and overstressed and angry at everyone ever.

8:36 P.M.
MSNBC is giving Obama 103 electoral votes, McCain 58 for McCain, who just won Georgia. I saw Fried Green Tomatoes in Georgia. The Ku Klux Klan scenes scared me. I'm just saying.

8:38 P.M.
MSNBC needs to stop acting like Obama has won Pennsylvania before any numbers have come in. I'm not saying he DIDN'T win, but pride comes before the fall, and this fall will be real freaking far and hard. MSNBC, please think before you speak. And why is everyone in Grant Park acting like they've already won? AM I STUCK IN A TEMPORAL FLUX WHERE THE ELECTION NEVER ENDS?! A million people may end up in Grant Park. It's the ultimate singles mixer, and I'm not there.

8:41 P.M.
Keith Olbermann commenting on how shiny the floors are in Alaska made me laugh out loud for the first time in hours. Alaska, land of shiny floors and dead moose.

8:46 P.M.
I'd bet good money that Chuck Todd has an unhealthy attraction to the hologram machine. Right now he's resisting the urge to hump Florida on national TV, forever ruining his career of pointing at giant holographic maps. He's being supremely negative. This makes me sad, and I hope they send him to a land with no holograms. I hate his tie, too.

8:49 P.M.
David Axelrod is the coolest name of the election (besides Barack Obama). He's talking a lot, but he's not saying much. If I ever get my own network, we will have nothing but silence. SILENCE AND RESULTS. If FOX started advertising that way, I'd watch constantly.

8:54 P.M.
Having a half-drunk argument with your mother over whether Obama is winning Florida or not makes everyone feel slightly asinine.

8:55 P.M.
Tom Delay is still allowed on TV? I thought I signed a petition against that turd. At least I don't have to look at blogs anymore. I'm done. Now it's just the news on MSNBC, and CNN.com, and FOXNews.com. Tom Delay is acting like Obama has already won, and that Nancy Pelosi is a secret dominatrix who will make Obama her bitch.


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