Thursday, November 20, 2008

The Randomness Calls To You

So. I'm under the weather, and dealing with forces beyond my control, and saving ALL the court transcripts for my autobiography, which I've tentatively titled, Pour Me Another Vodka And Let Me Light My Cigarettes Off Your Hair, because that seems like a fun way to spend the day right now, what with the physical pain, and the cold weather, and the fact that I have class tonight, and REALLY don't want to get off the couch.

Did you know they're remaking Rosemary's Baby? Do you have any idea how furious this makes me? WHY would anyone need to remake that movie? What director has the hubris to imagine they can make a better movie than Roman Polanski? AND HAVE YOU SEEN WHO THEY WANT TO CAST IN THIS CINEMATIC DISCHARGE? Lindsay Lohan. Jessica Alba. Blake Lively (who I really like in Gossip Girl, and therefore I don't want her involved in this nightmare). And Ginnifer Goodwin (who I also really like on Big Love, even though I can't watch that show regularly because I start to think that polygamy isn't that bad if my husband was as nice as Bill Paxton, and my sister wives could be Ginnifer Goodwin and Jeanne Tripplehorn, although not Chloe Sevigny, because her crazy might be catching). BUT JESSICA ALBA! AS ROSEMARY. MY HEAD EXPLODES FROM THIS, AND NOT IN A GOOD WAY. GOD. WHO THE HELL MAKES THESE DECISIONS, AND WHERE DO THEY LIVE?!

I thought I had more to say, but I have an article to write, and my E-Mail is totally wonking out on me, and I might need to lie down for a few minutes before I can MOVE.
- LV

PS Did that make ANY sense?


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