Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Election Day - 7:30 A.M.

Obligatory, apologetic half-hour post:

First impressions, watching CNN:

* I suspect a lot of the announcers want to guess on a winner, and are frustrated by the fact that they have to be fair and balanced. Personally, I want them to grab the camera and scream, "Barack Obama is going to win! Vote for him or be mocked by family and friends!" They won't do that, but I'd appreciate it.

* 7:34 A.M.: Obama currently has a slight lead. The lines to the polls are incredible. I've never actually seen that many people going to vote. Over 180,000 people on Facebook have already voted, and it's 7:36 A.M. That's more people than are registered fans of Sushi! Good sign? I dare not say.

* 26 states are voting, and James Carville's big bald head is optimistic about Barack Obama.

* There is a poll of polls on CNN. That's like the vortex. How can you poll polls? Will there one day be a poll polling the polling of polls? Is this what finally drove Dr. Seuss over the edge? Strange questions, on election day. I do like the idea of CNN crashing the entire interweb with it's poll polling.

* Every time a Republican comes onscreen to insist McCain is going to win, I get twitchy. Like, a little homicidal in my twitchiness. I hate the forced cheeriness, and I know it's still anybody's game, but really, I'd love for my Republicans to confess if they think McCain is going to lose. But not Democrats. They must be positive, NO MATTER WHAT.

* They're STILL showing that idiotic video of Barack Obama and Reverend Wright. Really? Is that all they've got? People are VOTING, and they're still showing that the dude at his church was bonkers? That's what we're going with?


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