Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Election Day - 7:00 P.M.

I have officially switched from caffeine to alcohol. Be forewarned. This will be minute-by-minute coverage, now, although posted once an hour, to keep my head (and computer) from exploding.

6:42 P.M.
John McCain is leading in Kentucky, 67% to 31%.

Barack Obama is leading in Indiana, 50% to 48%.

Next polls closing: Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Kentucky, South Carolina, Vermont, & Virginia.

6:43 P.M.
John McCain is leading in Kentucky, 68% to 31%.

This is pretty damn stressful. Suddenly any confidence I felt is gone. I'm filled with doubt. What if Obama loses? What if John McCain becomes the President? I'm not sure my psyche could handle that. Or the nation.

6:44 P.M.
John McCain is leading in Kentucky, 69% to 29%.
Barack Obama is leading in Indiana, 50% to 49%.

6:46 P.M.
Obama gains a point in Kentucky. This percentage-watching might cause a minor psychotic breakdown. And everyone seems so calm and hopeful. Is this denial in action? Do they know something we don't?

Stop showing the exit polls. The real polls are coming in. Nobody cares anymore. Screw the exit polls. I want to know who's going to be our leader. Although it's still entertaining to see how low Bush's approval rating has dropped (28%).

6:51 P.M.
McCain is slamming Obama in Kentucky. Hard.

If McCain takes Virginia, it's going to be a long, bad night with hostile vibes. If he takes Pennsylvania, it's time to switch from alcohol to hard drugs, whatever you can get your hands on.

6:52 P.M.
With 9% of the vote in, Obama jumps ti 49% in Kentucky, according to CNN (MSNBC says 48%). Hell of a jump.

6:54 P.M.
Chuck Todd is showing me a big map of Indiana. Maps are meaningless. Give me numbers, hard percentages.

6:55 P.M.
On MSNBC, there is a little elf-child grinning from the corner of the screen. Nobody else looks at her. I'm starting to think nobody can see her but me. But that might be the stress talking.

6:57 P.M.
At least the Senate looks Democratic.
Obama leading in Indiana, but barely.
McCain leading in Kentucky, but once again barely.

Maybe I should mix coffee into my bloody mary.


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