Saturday, March 21, 2009

I Am Not Fond Of Weekends

I may be the only person on earth that doesn't like weekends. But I don't. They are dull, and indicate I have to go to LSAT classes rather than do anything fun, and since I'm not working I will not be getting any money, and there's nothing fun to do.

What I'd Like To Do This Weekend
* Go Clothes Shopping: Because clothes are fun, and nothing I own really fits (I lost over 60 pounds and went from being really round to very slender, FYI), but I have no money (or rather, all my money needs to be saved for the upcoming Economic Collapse, when I will use money to clothe my naked body, or start fires to cook my cans of beans, or whatever will happen when the world as we know it ends.) Incidentally, my friends insist I am the only person they know that wants BOTH a Prada dress AND a Rorschach hoodie. Personally, I think EVERYONE wants that stuff, they are just too scared to admit it.

* See Watchmen Again: Oh, fuck off. I LIKED it. A LOT. I WILL NOT APOLOGIZE FOR THE THINGS THAT MAKE ME HAPPY. If it was that fucking Julia Roberts shit movie that's playing, nobody would say JACK. WOULD THEY?! IT'S A CONSPIRACY. Ahem. So I might go see it by myself, which is both pathetic and sad, but I have nothing else to do because all my friends live out of state at the moment (fucking New Jersey), or they work weekends, and IT IS A CONSPIRACY, ISN'T IT?!

* Get My Tattoo: But I cannot find a good tattoo parlor in New Jersey, and my friends I want to go with are not here/busy, and I need to get an estimate, and GOD LIFE IS SO HARD. HOLD ME.

* Got To A Thrift Store: Which is the least insane/irresponsible thing on this list, and my reasons aren't weird/crazy either. I just have a ton of fat clothes that no longer fit anyone I've ever met, and I want to sell them so I can buy stuff I can actually wear. SEE? COMMON SENSE EXISTS, I JUST IGNORE IT.

So what will I be doing this lovely March weekend? Studying for the LSATs, which is taking over my life. Going to the bank (which is in and of itself a happy event, although it would be far happier if I could SPEND the money on fun things, as opposed to hoarding it like Scrooge McDuck, only even he got a giant swimming pool full of GOLD COINS. Other stuff I can't think of. Oh, I have my LSAT class tomorrow, which is like a giddy pleasure cruise of fun and excitement that NEVER ENDS.

I want to see I Love You, Man too. Although it makes me sad that there are no equivalent good chick movies. We get fucking Sex & The City. NOT FAIR.

And, the usual linkage:
* Very funny comic. I relate to it. Because I too have NOTHING to say today. Yet I keep typing, for AMERICA.

* Oh, Cracked. I love you and your cinematic observations. Even if I would have been interested to see Joaquin Phoenix slow-roast his family and friends, because I disliked Gladiator.

* I don't remember if I posted this Watchmen article about how bad the movie could have been, and I am far too lazy to go back and look. So here it is, and if I already posted it, you are free to ignore it completely. I am generous.

Hurm. Nothing else to say.
- LV


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