Tuesday, March 3, 2009

iTunes! (IE, The Music Of Watchmen)

I, using an iTunes Gift Card, have downloaded the following:

* The Watchmen Soundtrack: Which will play me on my journeys to and from school, to and from the library, to and from work, and... that's everywhere I go. Joy siphoning out.

* The Gonzo Tapes: Which, I'm puzzled to say, is one long file... six hours long.... with no breaks. Which does not make me happy in ANY WAY. Even from the grave, the Good Doctor (or possibly iTunes) continues to FUCK with me in heinous and sadistic ways. I love him so.

* The Watchmen Score: I'm a big fan of movie scores, when they're not that bullshit Titanic sweeping pretentious epic. And I still regularly listen to the Dark Knight score. Also, I have problems with this movie, in case you haven't guessed.

* Dirt Farmer by Levon Helms: Cuz my Uncle said it was great. If he turns out to be wrong, his comeuppance will be gargantuan.

* I'm chugging coffee to gear myself up to trudge to work through the snow and sleet and ICY weather, and the crankiness of certain family members, who I will soothe by secretly dosing with NyQuil until they get sleepy and stop yelling. I am a humanitarian, like Mother Theresa, only far less wrinkled.

* D.H. Lawrence, while a magnificent writer with a beautiful, lyrical style, seriously needs to stop noting the perky buttocks of minor male characters. It makes me giggle with my immature attitude, and rather detracts from the story.

* Every time the Dow falls ten points, do a shot. You'll be dead before it hits rock bottom. See? I have constructive ideas! Why does MSN not return my calls?

* And speaking of drinking games, this is hilarious, and SO TRUE. Although while rereading the comic last night, to Prepare for the Coming Glory, as I read the first scene between Rorschach, Laurie, and a giant Dr. Manhattan, I couldn't help but think, for one second, "Isn't ANYONE frightened by his ginormous peen?" But, as I've said many times before on this blog, I have the maturity level of an infant.

* Nobody asked about Watchmen tattoos, so I say nothing, because I am sneaky monkey.

* More later, or maybe not. You never can tell, can you?
- LV


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