Friday, March 6, 2009


I didn't post yesterday due to an existential crisis. My doctor will write me a note. OK, not really.

Anyway, since I PROMISED, and I am an honorable blogger with nobility and... stuff... I present a shitload of Watchmen tattoos. I have marked the ones I would/may get myself, because I am UNWELL IN THE HEAD. Later, if I have time, I will also post my favorite Watchmen quotes.

I'm going after work. I am VERY VERY EXCITED, and IF YOU HURT MY HAPPY, I WILL EAT YOUR FACE. So don't.

The quintessential image from the comic, beautifully rendered,
From Body Of Lies

THIS font, I love. Although arm placement is problematic. I'd rather have it on my hip, like my first tattoo, or my back. My arms are not toned and slender enough to pull off a tattoo.
Andy On The Road

I would not get this tattoo, for several reasons. But this tattoo is AWESOME. I would marry someone with this tattoo. It's BEAUTIFUL. Rorschach, AND the quote? Also, great proportions.
Rate My Ink

It is all about Rorschach. And this tattoo, which my little brother INSISTS would make Russell Brand love me. Or David Tennant, which for his own reasons he refers to as Davey Toenail. Then he laughs.
Rate My Ink

I feel like the smiley face is a difficult tattoo. Done badly, it looks like a... well, a generic smiley face with some red shit. This is what it SHOULD look like. Bravo, Macaroni Murder Lady (if that is your real name.)
Geeky Ink

I have NEVER seen a Nostalgia tattoo before. That is AWESOME. Also, the girliest Watchmen tattoo I've ever seen. There is hope for me, then. I WILL manage to have a tattoo that is both feminine AND ass-kicking and all that the comic was, and that the movie had better be.
Geeky Ink

This is a HUGE tattoo. The size rather frightens me terribly. But I love the idea. I'd do it on my lower back. And smaller. Much, much smaller.
Watchmen Comic Movie Forum

Although very simple, this is one of the best Watchmen tattoos out there. I love it. The general public wouldn't know what it means, but those of us hep jivey cats on in the know would sass the hoopy tatt, and be impressed.
Watchmen Comic Movie Forum

This is really what I'm leaning towards, for myself. Maybe with The Quote underneath (although I have a few ideas there, as well). Also, once again on my lower back. But I love the Rorschach inkblots. This one, however, has disturbing connotations, storywise.

And, finally, this is my top choice (ONCE AGAIN, on my lower back, with some sort of quote if I'm feeling especially dramatic). But I love this. It's beautiful. It makes me happy. And the inkblot above kind of frightens me.

If you have any Watchmen tattoos, send them on to elle.veev@gmail com, and I'll happily post them.

If any of these are your tattoos, and for some reason you don't want them posted here, EMail me and I will immediately take them down. This is meant as a compliment, and I hope you take it as such.

Also, send me your experiences with the Watchmen movie, and I will post them, and give you credit. I mean seeing it, not a scene-by-scene review. I've read the comic a dozen times. I don't need a recap.

Later, QUOTES.
- LV


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