Saturday, March 7, 2009

Random Notes, Take 1

* The Lord giveth, and the Lord taketh away: goodbye Fresca, made with non-medication-friendly grapefruit juice, but hello Diet Cream Soda, which I had thought was only a myth.

* It's very cold in my house, but muggy outside. I dislike this.

* I'm still happy about Watchmen.

* I'm also making a massive soundtrack, as I am wont to do when I should be studying, of every song from the movie, the trailer, and the comic. I'll post it at some point. I really need a new fixation, now that I've seen the movie once, and will see it again. Suggestions? Are they making a Transmetropolitan movie next?!

* Oh, I wanted to review the trailers I saw with the movie, but I forgot in my joy and relief and deeply unhealthy and troublesome Rorschach babblings. So here:

* Public Enemies: Dude, it's Johnny Depp with a gun and a kick-ass hat, and Christian Bale all firm and law-ish, and Michael Mann directing.

* Terminator: Salvation: It does look awesome, but the plot might be secondary to shit exploding and Christian Bale in a sleeveless shirt. What's with the Bale-fest?

* Star Trek: I'm only excited about the supporting characters, especially Spock, because honestly, Captain Kirk was a total tool.

* Observe & Report: Like Paul Blart: Mall Cop, only funny and doesn't make you die and your privates explode.

* Some Watchmen links:
- Collect Them All, And Behold The Unholy Cuteness
- A link my cousin sent me, because he is incredibly cool and finds my crazy entertaining, which I appreciate.

* And, finally, because I found my digital camera, which tends to go on wild, sexy adventures for months, then reappear mysteriously with confetti in its battery slot (or worse) here's a picture of me with my dog, Hunter, who is terribly adorable:

* Here's me, trying to look pensive and serious, or something, in a very nifty hat my aunt gave me:

OK, now the adorable dog is barking, and I have to go either walk him, or get my little brother out of a goddamned well. Time for LSAT studying.
- LV


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