Thursday, March 12, 2009

Random Notes, Take 2 (And More Watchmen Tattoos)

I am still sick, with a temperature of around 102.2, but I am partly zonked on meds at the moment, so I'm going to post randomness. In part because my hits have PLUMMETED since I stopped freaking out about Watchmen which leads me to the conclusion that I am nowhere near as fascinating or clever as that hallowed comic/movie. I mean, I never thought I WAS, but still....

* Oh, David Vitter, you are so insane and evil. You're like Dr. Claw from Inspector Gadget, only dumber and with hookers and diapers, and no claw to redeem you. You made me laugh, in my illness, until the coughing took over, and I blacked out.

* I have narrowed down my Watchmen tattoo to one of two images on my hip, and (later, funds permitting) a quote on my ribs. I also need to get a Hunter S. Thompson tattoo (OK, I don't NEED to do anything, except cough and blow my nose and take massive amounts of Tylenol, but you know what I mean) but there are so many good quotes from that man that it requires a lot of deliberation, and I refuse to use the most common quotes from Fear And Loathing in Las Vegas. Because I am a snob.

* This is awesome. I totally thought THe Gummi Bears was a childhood hallucination.

* Twitter is confirming my long-held suspicion that EVERYONE I ADMIRE is secretly friends and having crazy sexytime parties to WHICH I AM NOT INVITED. I mean, Stephen Fry is at Russell Brand's show? WHAT'S NEXT? DID HUNTER THOMPSON FAKE HIS DEATH JUST TO BREAK MY TINY LITTLE HEART, AND IS CURRENTLY TRADING INSULTS WITH HUGH LAURIE?! IS DAVID CROSS BRAIDING ALAN MOORE'S HAIR?! ....Actually, that last one is scary.

* I got a package in the mail today that almost made this whole illness worthwhile. I will post pictures later, when I can figure out my camera.

* I can't seem to find ANY good Jersey tattoo parlors. Or a place where they're rated. Life is HARD.

* I should not be allowed near phones when I have a fever. I think I may be permanently banned from the library, for very nearly bursting into tears over the librarians' lack of interest in Russell Brand's new book. FOOL. I scared

* Oh dear GOD. Paula Deen is relating terrifyingly intimate tidbits of her personal life. I KNOW WHEN HER RELATIONSHIP WAS CONSUMMATED.

* Here are the tattoos I am torn between, because I am tired of trying to be clever when I am on day three of being a non-smoker, and my throat STILL hurts, and my fever WON'T GO AWAY.

This excited me SO MUCH because, for mysterious reasons, it NEVER occurred to me that this could be a tattoo. Because I am stupid. Although I would get it bigger, and on my back or hip. I'm torn between this or....


This. You can vote in the poll on the right, or just post a comment with your opinion. Yet again, it would be on my hip, and eventually above it will be a quote from the comic. But first, inkblot or signature (or BOTH. WHO KNOWS?)

OK, done for now.
- LV


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