Sunday, March 8, 2009

I Forgotted The Important News

* Since its inception, this blog has had over 10,000 hits from over 7,000 people. Which means some of you keep coming back. Which I appreciate.

* Today was the most single hits in this blog's history. (207 unique hits). The previous most impressive day (was that a real sentence? I'm very tired, and typing is hard) was my insane election coverage, with 155 unique visitors. So hourly blogging and exhaustive promotion doesn't do as much as my Watchmen love. See? I learn things.

* I saw it again today. I liked it more this time. And I already liked it a lot.

* Russell Brand's special on Comedy Central was very, very funny, and I'm looking forward to reading his book, which comes out this week.

* Did I mention I'm tired? I'm really, really tired. I should be asleep.

* I had a long post here about a Twitter incident that was bugging me, but I reread it and realized how truly unhinged I sounded, not to mention geeky and not in the cute way but the alarming avoid eye contact way, so I have simply deleted it from my page, because it didn't really make sense ANYWAY, and also it was boring, and the rat maze in my brain has NO CHEESE at the end, and I need to go to sleep, the end.
- LV


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