Tuesday, March 24, 2009

I'm Pretty Sure It's All A Conspiracy To Piss Me Off

* This is unacceptable. You do not fuck with Alfred Hitchcock. Ever. Doesn't anyone remember Gus Van Sant's weird, terrible remake of Psycho? What the fuck was that, anyway? And holy fucking christ, these are the assholes that made Knowing? And they're allowed near Hitchcock? WHO DECIDES THESE THINGS?! Great, now we can all look forward to The Birds starring Lindsay Lohan and.. I don't know, Keanu Reeves. Jesus.

* I have decided that I am going to support Tim Geithner no matter what. Because he seems so ill at ease on television, and because I have an indelible image of him sobbing naked in the basement of the White House, making him the Nite Owl of the Obama administration (I don't know who the others are. Hillary Clinton can be the Comedian, and um... Joe Biden can be Rorschach, because that would he HILARIOUS). I feel bad for him. It's like, it makes sense to him, but he can't ever express himself, and he gets nervous and his lip starts quivering, and he panics, and you know Obama has to stroke his hair and soothe him going, 'Not everybody hates you Timmy.' So I am now a member of Team Geithner, based not on his economic plan, but on the fact that he seems so nervous all the time, and because I don't want him to cry anymore. TEAM GEITHNER.

* I love Michele Bachmann, as I think I've said before, because she is INARGUABLY out of her fucking gourd. She wants Minnesota to become like, Cuba in the center of America, with herself as Eva Peron (because she thinks Eva is from Cuba). Who SUPPORTS global warming? Really? At least Bush had the decency to deny its existence. That's stupid, but it's not borderline psychotic. In her mind, Michele Bachmann is Xena, Warrior Representative.

* My little brother exposed me to this game. It's all his fault. Tattoos are FUN!

* From the news: If you're afraid of getting on trouble for rape, is MURDER really the right way to distract people? Apparently, yes.

* And I am posting this picture, everywhere, for all eternity:

* And today is the release of Watchmen: Tales of the Black Freighter & Under The Hood. Which you should ALL totally buy, and watch, forever.

* Due to an awesome Watchmen fairy with magical powers, I now have the entire movie on audio. I WIN.
- LV

PS Should you have to apologize to one job because you have another job, and can't work that often? DOES THIS MAKE SENSE TO ANYONE, OR AM I MISSING SOMETHING?!


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