Sunday, March 22, 2009

Random Notes, Take 7

* I'm watching CBS Sunday Morning, and it's about Mensa people. And they found the most goddamn pretentious people on the planet. I mean, really. These people are AWFUL. I hate them all so much.

They're supposed to be geniuses who can SAVE the world. They have a hug-a-thon. To beat the world record. This is what they're doing. Or they're meeting girls. Or they're congratulating themselves on being the misunderstood masters of the universe.

"Mensa validates your parking and your humanity." ARE YOU SERIOUS?! REALLY?! I know some people in Mensa, and they aren't like this. Did they just find the few megalomaniacs in any large group, or are my friends in the minority? I'm probably just jealous. There is no way I could ever get into Mensa. Math makes me panic (except algebra, which I love), and I failed chemistry twice. So I'm sure I'm just a bitter not-genius.

* LSAT class today. I do not want. Do not enjoy. I think I'm losing my enthusiasm for assumption questions and reading comprehension. I could just be going through a down cycle, though.

* I haven't discussed zombies in a while, which is irresponsible. One must be constantly vigilant, and prepared for the apocalypse whenever it comes. And the best way to prepare is to know your enemy, and what it's after. So.

* Going to see The Movie again tonight. The less said about it, the better.

* Going to post probably post some pictures later, as well. Because cameras are fun.

* Breakfast time now. And coffee. It is imperative that I have more coffee immediately.
- LV


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