Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Random Notes, Take 9

* YES! Blago has risen, phoenix-like, from the ashes, and will grace humble America with his wisdom on a daily basis, and hopefully provide hair-care products to a sloppy, ungroomed nation. THIS is how we will survive the recession - on a pillow of his soft, soft hair.

* These people really like reproduction. Which is, um, fine? I mean, if you want to be perpetually pregnant. Forever.

* This may be the greatest time-waster ever invented in the history of the universe, and I am both blessed and cursed to have been given the link. I can't handle the responsibility. Favorite: "Vin Diesel invented black. In fact, he invented the entire spectrum of visible light. Except pink. Tom Cruise invented pink."

* Best Watchmen review, ever. Bring small children and harp on the swinging blue genitals of one character. HILARIOUS. You are funny, crazy lady.

* Wonkette is like an internet God, and for that I thank them. This, in particular, had me in stitches. TEAM GEITHNER WILL WIN. Did you know there are fangirl communities devoted to Geithner? I did not know this. There is an internet site for everything. I still think there is a viable market for TEAM GEITHNER shirts, and on the back it can say, "I may be quiet and demure and cry at the drop of the stock market, but I will RUIN your 401K with my anger." Well, we can work on the back.

* We've had over 9,000 hits on this blog. Individual hits, I mean - like, specific people. That's pretty sweat, considering the average blog goes, "Blah blah blah politics everyone is stupid but me WATCHMEN WATCHMEN WATCHMEN, I want money for shit, blah blah blah." So that you for endorsing my ramblings. FULL POINTS.

* The obligatory Watchmen post, although you people really deserve a break. TOUGHEN UP. THIS IS AMERICA. And this is Rorschach:

* This may be the most insane setup for a super-hero movie, ever. And I love it. Michel Gondry, who has directed Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind has such a creative, hallucinatory visual style. He also did Be Kind Rewind, which I loved inordinately, and really should have done better. Go rent it now. It's got Mos Def and Jack Black! What else do you NEED? What was I talking about? Right, Green Hornet. Well, I'm excited. It's nice to see the comic genre expanding and going in different directions. So long as it doesn't go the direction of Spirit. That is the way of suck.

* I don't get Superman. At all. He's never been one of my favorite superheroes. I don't even really like him (except in Lois & Clark which was an integral part of my childhood). He doesn't make me angry or anything - he is not in the Twilight category by any means - but he's never been much fun. Lex Luthor was always the cool one - I kind of wanted him to win. What? Anyway, Mark Millar is being funny and dickish about the whole thing, and I liked Wanted, because James McEvoy + Angelina Jolie + stylized violence + tattoos = Ridiculous WIN.

* This is kind of what my house is like, all the time:

* I have spent the past three days at work trying to fix the label system at my job. The woman who worked there before felt the need for the following record system: take the original, make three copies, throw the three copies around the office, make two computer files, scribble all over them like a kindergartner on acid, rename one of the computer files, spit in the face of an orphan, run screaming into the night. So I'm not happy about this. Paperwork ahoy!

* Oh, for the people wondering, I got the clothes in the last Watchmen-tastic post from Hot Topic. I know. REALLY. I do know. Please stop laughing. IT WAS WORTH THE SHAME.

* Sugar cubes are really addictive. Say what you will.

* Russell Brand's blog is sexytime goodness.
- LV


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