Saturday, March 14, 2009

Random Notes, Take 3

I have not had a fever in twenty-four hours! I may not be dying! Let their be rejoicing in the streets!

On the downside, I still have a hideous cough and am achy and tired, but these are small things in comparison to HORRIBLE DEATH. So rejoicing can continue.

* Keep voting on the tattoo picks! (Although those of you who voted for the stapling of the comic to my back have ignored a few major logistical issues, namely HOW CAN I READ IT when it's stapled to my back, I am against piercings in general, and also I would NEVER deface a book like that. NULL POINTS.)

* Oh. Holy. Fucking. God. WHY would ANYONE want to remake the single most terrifying cinematic experience of MY LIFE (with the exception of The Poughkeepsie Tapes, which I STILL cannot find at ANY theater.). And why remake this movie? It, for all its TV corniness and production values, scared the SHIT out of an entire generation. More to the point, it ruined my life, clown-wise. I am still scared of clowns. Like, to the point where I leave the room when commercials for the circus come on, and Ronald McDonald creeps the shit out of me, and once, at a former job, I had to wear clown makeup for this STUPID promotion, and ended up sobbing hysterically in the bathroom after I caught sight of myself. THE MOVIE AND BOOK DID THIS TO ME. DO I REALLY NEED TO SPEND MORE MONTHS OF MY LIFE BOLTING FROM THE ROOM IN A PANIC WHENEVER THE COMMERCIALS COME ON?! Anyway, Seth Green was in the original IT, and that is reason enough to leave it alone and perfect for all eternity.

* Here are some pretty sweet pictures from Tim Burton's new movie, Alice. I like Tim Burton, mostly because his movies are almost uniformly excellent (I am aggressively ignoring Planet Of The Apes, for obvious reasons), but also because his reality doesn't seem to have much to do with our reality, and his is much more interesting, and he often seems good-naturedly befuddled by the rest of us. Although points down for what looks like Johnny Depp continuing to rock the Charlie & The Chocolate Factory haircut. And the top hat. Maybe he just kept the whole wardrobe, and hid under the long table until Tim Burton let him have his outfit. I have these thoughts.

* Did I say the Watchmen love was ending? I lied. I lied HORRIBLY. I lie to you endlessly, and you will take it, because I have wondrous links to offer in exchange. Actually, it's funny, because I'm a horrible liar. Anyway, this is very cute, and almost makes you forget he could decapitate you with a SUGAR CUBE.

* Don't even bother wondering which Rorschach I picked on this Fandom quiz. I am completely transparent. Simpson-Rorschach is fascinating to me.

* This is another cute comic. I have a weakness for funny Rorschach comics. Who am I kidding? I have a weakness for all things Rorschach. Also, it seems I enjoy comics with a 'baked beans' theme. Sure that says terrifying things about my psyche.

* Sometimes, there really are no words. I... Yeah. Dude.

* And for the last Watchmen link of the day, here is one that made me laugh, in my illness, and therefore should be appreciated.

* You notice how the more human and less toolish Michael Steele tries to act, the worse things get for him? I mean, all he said, essentially, was "Hey, it's a personal choice if a woman spawns or not," rather than, "YOU ARE ALL GOING TO HELL YOU GODLESS FORNICATING SINNERS OF SIN, TAX CUTS FOR THE RICH DEPORT ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS GRRR BRAINS," and he is being SKULLFUCKED by his party.

I mean, I am confused. The party needs to make some changes, somewhere. They understand this, right? That, that, America has changed, and they have to change too, and that we didn't vote for Obama because we're all Cawmniss Abortionist Gay Swedes, or whatever? So they say they need to change, then they have Rush Limbaugh sweating on national television and getting turned on by the idea of dropping Obama down an elevator shaft of FAILURE, and when Michael Steele offers up a plan of 'Non-Crazy, Non-Evil" he gets CRUSHED. I feel bad for him. You just know he's going to wake up with Jim Cramer's head in his bed one morning, and Rush will be muttering, "Excellent" in a terrible impression of Mr. Burns. And all will continue as it has before.

* Because my library insists on being small-minded ass-ticks (wow, I am a cursy girl today), I am going to make my first journey from my home in nigh on a week to buy Russell Brand's book, because he is funny and smart and his hair has been the focus of many word-songs from your humble blogger. And I'm going to rerent Forgetting Sarah Marshall, and all rent Tales From The Black Freighter. Because I am still sick enough to mooch around the house reading, listening to music, and watch movies. And starting Monday, life resumes, hopefully without fevers and chills and hallucinations.

* I WANT this bag. For obvious, sick reasons. BUT I WANT IT:

* Just to keep it near the top, here are the tattoo choices:
Rorschach's Signature: Note: I spent a humiliating length of time trying to just find a nice picture of Rorschach's signature, so I don't have to keep sticking this poor guy's foot on my blog. But I COULDN'T find one, and then I got distracted by the messenger bag above, then I gave up. If someone finds a nice, BIG picture of his signature (from the movie or comic), I will be very grateful. Send it to

Inkblot 1:

Inkblot 2:

Vote on the poll at the top. You know you want to. And I'll post pictures, and it will be DELIGHTFUL MADNESS.
- LV


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