Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Did You Pack Mr. Muggles' Doggy Bath?

* Mr. Muggles is the one running the Heroes universe. I truly believe this. In your heart, you know I am right. Title is from Heroes.

* Michelle has made me want to pet malaria. Truth. You'll only understand if you read her blog. Which you should anyway, because it has got art and NASCAR contempt and fuzzy diseases and laughs in the face of 2012 (the date, not the movie). Also we're psychically related. Except I can't do art, and she has common sense.


[Drawn by Erin]
Wait... if I eat it, will I become a zombie? Has that plot-line ever been explored? Because I will have zombie in me. So... I want a Twinkie now.

Words of Win
* Oh, wow, I love this dude:
The US Attorney's Office says that Moore sent fraudulent documents to the US Treasury Department and the IRS seeking payments for over $14 trillion.

$14 TRILLION dollars. This guy wishes he was Doctor Evil. Hey, if you're going to steal, steal big, yeah? I salute you, Mr. Trillion. Shine on, you crazy diamond.

* Now that he no longer has the power to control my life, I don't mind former President George W. Bush. He has sort of disappeared from the public eye, and he pissed off Dick Cheney, which is reason enough to like ANYONE. And the secrets about him aren't that surprising (I wish we could have heard him call people 'cat,' for the funny. But I have to give credit where it's due. Former President called it on Sarah Palin:
"This woman is being put into a position she is not even remotely prepared for," he said. "She hasn’t spent one day on the national level. Neither has her family. Let’s wait and see how she looks five days out."

He also thought Hilary was fat, and would be a fat female President. So maybe somewhat less credit is due.

* I LOATHE CNN. LOATHE IT. Because they do things like this:

[Found at Wonkette]
Racist. End of story. And they JUST ran a story on how broccoli will kill me. Must be watching too much Renegade.

* I know I said I was done yelling about Kanye West, but come on, former President Jimmy Carter pwned him, and that is amazing, and I lurve you Former President jimmy Carter.

* According to Jon Corzine, if you vote for Chris Christie, you will become a big fatty who eats babies, and will maybe eat your babies:

I dislike Christie because, you know, he's against everything I hold dear. And he seems evil. But I do like Corzine's subtle implication that if you vote for Christie, you will end up looking just like him. Ah, Jersey politics...

* This is kugel, or sweet noodle pudding:

[Found at Cake Spy]
It's got noodles and eggs and sugar and vanilla. It is delicious, and I may try to make this, for my tummy.
Oh, and now 'sweet noodle pudding' is my new exclamation of shock.
Friend: Did you hear? America sold the Grand Canyon to Canada!
Me: Sweet Noodle Pudding!

* Screech, cut this shit out. I know it turned out that you're a horrible bastard, and everyone hates you, and you're STILL angry that you never got as much attention as Mark-Paul Gosselar (AKA Zack) on Saved By The Bell, but you need to move on. You are a mean man. You made everyone cry on Celebrity Fit Club (maybe I watched it, SO?) and Saved By The Bell cannot be perverted. It is a force of pure good, you mean little man. So write your awful book. BRING IT:

[Found at Best Week Ever]
And I just read on Wikipedia that you have a sex tape. And that it ended with a dirty sanchez. If you'll excuse me, I need to go vomit up my will to live.

Daily Hot Guy

[Peter Dinklage, who was banging awesome in Living in Oblivion and The Station Agent, and who I was more than a little in love with during The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian. TRUMPKIN IS THE COOLEST DWARF EVER. Except Eddie Izzard, but he was a mouse. Also, Mr. Dinklage is from New Jersey. And his eyes are distracting. What were we talking about?]

* MARVEL Zombies, no less:

Yeah. The awesome is almost painful.

Apocalypse How?
* Killer rabbits. Bunnies are killing things. Oh, sure, the bunnies are killing snakes now, but pretty soon they see Monty Python and The Holy Grail, and then we are doomed, because that bunny chewed everyone to DEATH.

But bunnies ruling the world would be so fuzzy.

Russell Brand
* Mr. Brand ensures that November will be a good month:

Go give him and his sexy money. And lalala, I don't hear him dating Katy Perry and her TWEE ANNOYINGNESS. RUSSELL, WHY HAVE YOU HURT ME SO?! Really, he couldn't date someone COOL?

I am rapidly losing patience with Blogger's label limit. SUE THE BASTARDS. SUE THEM A LOT.

It may be time to get my own website, yeah? For monies?
- LV


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