Monday, October 5, 2009

I Give It 15 Minutes Until The First One Quits, Or Tries To Commit Suicide.

* Yeah, I do not miss high school. Title is from Glee.

* Mad Men. Sesame Street-style. Sesame Street is still the best kids' show ever, and screw anyone who disagrees:

Happy Monday.

* A steampunk video arcade game with a horror movie angle?

[Found at Geekologie]
Yes, please. Dude built this from scratch. I get excited when I knit a goddam glove. AND he lost part of a finger. That's devotion. I'm too lazy to be devoted.

* Do you know how infuriating it is when you can't embed a video when there is a clear 'Embed' option? For some reason, I cannot get videos from The Colbert Report to embed on this website. It's very frustrating. So click this link to see a video of Stephen Colbert and Jeff Goldblum performing Battleship: The Movie.

Candy Land is going to be the most upsetting film ever made. You heard it here first.

* I think this is the coolest album cover ever, except for Spinal Tap's albums:

[Found at Warren Ellis]
This is like Tyler Durden's record cover.

* Holy shit, this puts all MY shirts to shame:
New shirt I'm making XD on Twitpic
Here's the back:
Shirt's done! on Twitpic
If you need me, I'll be clutching my own crappy shirts and sniffling. At least my FRIENDS are talented, right? Right??

* This picture just makes me absurdly happy:

* Caro sent me this comic, and I laughed and laughed:

Everyone loves Rorschach.

Slightly tangentially, do you know how uncomfortable it is for me to be attracted to Jeffrey Dean Morgan as the dad on Supernatural? Because he's the Comedian! It's such a puzzling sensation. But he's sexy and stubbly! But he shoots pregnant girls!

This is why I should have proper warning before I like a character.

Daily Hot Guy

[Seth Green, who is realistically the type of man I will marry. Requested by KaishaBackwards, who can be a bridesmaid at my Wedding of Crazy.]

* Oh holy shit. When I am rich and famous and can buy whatever I want and STILL HAVE MONEY IN THE BANK, I want a room like this:

[Found at Comic Book Resources]
Fuck that, I want a room for each comic series I like. AND a room for each fandom. AND a room just for shoes, and a makeup studio. And a pygmy hippo.

You should all hope I never get super-rich. It will be weird.

Tattoo of Win
* What the hell is a beefcase?

[Found at LOLTATZ]
The tattoo looks fake. I have decided it IS fake, because what would it mean if we lived in a world where people had tattoos of BEEF on their persons?

Oh. This world. Right then.

Fucking Blogger. I am sending an angry message to their people, because I need more than ten goddamn labels. UNACCEPTABLE. I have MUCH to say. SO MUCH.

At some point today I'll be doing a review of the TeeVee season so far. But not now. I have precious little caffeine in my system.
- LV


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