Saturday, October 17, 2009

I Can Finally Build That Lake House, & I'll Run Around Naked All Day

* I will not be visiting your lake house. Title is from Harvey Birdman, Attorney at Law.

* Remember when the President made one of his Very Important Speeches? And everyone was talking about Bobby Jindal, who would strike terror into the hearts of liberals everywhere? And recharge the Republican party? And then he came out, and nobody could understand what the hell he was talking about, and he seemed like a wet noodle, and everyone was like, all, never mind?

Well, Bobby Jindal hates ACORN too, and is cutting their funding, because they are EVIL, not that they had any funding ANYWAY, but he wants to cut their funding, damn it, and wants you to know about it. So now you know.

* Do you love cakes? Of course you do. Do you love Threadless T-Shirts? Well, OBVIOUSLY. Everyone does. So why has it taken someone so long to combine the two? Let's not dwell on the negative. Suffice it to say, someone took this shirt:

[Found at Threadless]
And turned it into this culinary masterpiece:

[Found at Thread Cakes]
There is a whole website for this contest, but this one was my favorite. Now I want to eat shirts. What? There's precious little caffeine in my system right now.

* This is one of those incidents where it's not just the celebrity's fault, but 'Normal People Fail' doesn't have the same ring, does it? Here's what happened:
Jane Smith, who is on Hung, and who I like a lot (in no small part because she is the Saddest Person Ever in pretty much every role)was at a restaurant, couldn't pay her check, and didn't tip her waiter. Her waiter, annoyed, Twittered about it. She saw it and complained. he got fired, the end.
Now, as an actor, you need to totally get over the fact that if you do something lame, (like not tipping your waiter) people will be annoyed, and most likely complain about it. Get over it. You ALWAYS tip your waiter, unless you're Steve Buscemi in Reservoir Dogs, but that's totally different. And fictional.
And if you're someone in the service industry with any common sense, you don't whine about specific celebrities BY NAME on a public communication network like Twitter. Because there will be REPERCUSSIONS.
In conclusion, everyone calm the hell down. It's not a big deal. We will all survive this. Remember to tip your waiters.

* I am seeing Zombieland today. FINALLY. And soon Walking Dead will be on TV, and life will be GOOD, as we all come to terms with the imminent menace facing humanity. Here's an interview where Robert Kirkman, writer of the epic comic series, discusses the show. It fills me with GLEE. Not the show, Glee. Although now I'm imagining Rachel fighting zombies, and it's FANTASTIC.

Apocalypse How?
* Speaking of zombies, (and really, aren't we always) guns are generally accepted as the weapon of choice against the undead (but remember, hand-to-hand combat weapons are vital, and should not be ignored in your arsenal), apparently America has a shitload of guns, but NO BULLETS. NO BULLETS AT ALL. So unless you plan on overpowering an army of zombies by hitting them repeatedly on the head, this would be a good time to panic, or maybe start making your own bullets. I have no idea how to do this. Do the Winchester brothers know? Who has their number?

Daily Hot Guy(s)

[Milo Ventimiglia (I SPELLED IT RIGH) and Adrian Pasdar, AKA Peter and Nathan Petrelli from Heroes. Peter is annoying me so much less this season, which is nice. And Nathan is such a scumbag that I find him rather attractive (especially this season, for obvious reasons. But mostly I like this picture because I shriek BROMANCE IS CANON, then run off giggling like a dork, simply to annoy other Heroes fans.]

* Some lady was driving home, and some kids asked her to splash them with a puddle. She did so, much to their delight. Now she may be facing charges because water ruins the lives of children everywhere. And fun. Fun is frowned upon. And, you know, cherished memories, joys, laughter....

OK, more later, if you're lucky, because it is a rainy day and there is MUCH to do.
- LV


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