Friday, October 16, 2009

The Pen Is Mightier Than The Sword, If You Shoot That Pen Out Of A Gun!

* Inventors, get on this. Title is from The Colbert Report.

* Michelle understands Carl Sagan (AND has the YouTube video with him and Stephen Hawking, who is one of my all-time heroes), and she drew this:

The Exhaustion of Truth by *DanceswithElvis on deviantART
I'm pretty sure she's a wizard. A pirate wizard. From the future.

Freakangels Friday
* It is Friday, ergo FREAKANGELS, yes? No. Because book 3 ended last week, and even a god as old and powerful as Warren Ellis needs to rest from time to time, and we all need a break before book 4 begins, and maybe Karl will be OK, yeah?
Anyway. I demand this signed copy of Book 3, because I think the cover so freaking sweet:

[Found at Comic Cavalcade]
I also unabashedly lust after this journal, and since Mr. Ellis is benevolent enough to provide us with this comic free of charge, we must buy these products. I do. I have a bag. Maybe I'll post pictures on my ElleVee blog (SHAMELESS PROMOTION!).
I'm not done with my first cup of coffee, and there's no FREAKANGELS. Are you sure it's Friday?

* Oh, Ralph Lauren, you just don't want ANYONE to like you, do you? You take a beautiful, sexy woman, Photoshop the shit out of her until she looks like a freak cartoon character, and fire her for being too fat. I don't even need to say anything on that. You think this woman:

is FAT. So you made her look like a bobble head.
You scare me, Mr. Lauren. I never bought your clothes because they're too expensive and not my style, but I am not buying them with PASSION now.
This is the best article on the whole debacle, and also has ushered in my new favorite model, Crystal Renn:

That chick is a BAMF.
In conclusion, Mr. Ralph Lauren, your shirts are stupid and ugly.

* How many products exist out there for people who are too lazy to wipe their own ass?

If you are disabled, or actually UNABLE to perform these tasks, that is FINE. But if you are just a crazy, lazy bastard, then I am rolling my eyes so hard I may have caused permanent injury.
And the comparison with a back-scrubber upset me. And if you're somehow getting FECES everywhere whenever you go to the bathroom, YOU ARE DOING SOMETHING WRONG.
Christ, sometimes I despise the internet. Just go get a goddamn bidet. Those are funny.

Girly Shit
* I am almost 100% sure that I would fall down and die an embarrassing death if I tries to walk in these heels:

[Found at Style]
I don't know if I even want them. They're fairly ugly. But they are shiny and green, and like a magpie I am drawn to the shiny. And I sort of can't shake the suspicion that if I pressed my thumb against the shoe's surface, it would change colors with my body heat.
Do they MAKE heels like that?

Daily Hot Guy

[Jayne Cobb from Firefly. I know he's really Adam Baldwin, but I cannot see him as anyone but Jayne. He's Jayne, OK? He's the hero from Canton! Fuck me, now I really need to watch Firefly again. Did you know Jayne had a crush on Kaylee? Let's just talk about Firefly for a while. What's your favorite episode? Requested by Kristamaru, who found Serenity, but keeps the sky from me, because she doesn't like to share.]

* I love this video for the Muse song 'Uprising.' I love pretty much everything affiliated with Muse. I remember I first heard them a few years back, when my uncle gave me a CD of one of their live shows. EPIC WIN.

* This is a good news/bad news situation for those of us seriously looking forward to Cabin In The Woods:
Bad News: The movie has been movie to January of 2011, which is so far in the future I don't know if my Google Calendar can process it! (It can. I just checked).
Good News: It's being pushed back so they can make it a 3-D movie.
My Opinion: I don't care if it's in 3-D, but since I have no SAY in the matter, I will be excited about it and look forward to the 3-D gorefest.
They should make more posters, though. I need those.

* Could someone explain what the fuck Google Wave is? Because I keep hearing about it, so it's begun to aggravate me, but I'm far too lazy to find out what it is on my own, and whenever I have made a half-assed attempt to find it, I end up on some page where people much more technologically gifted than me discuss its specs.
So, what is it? And should I care?

* This is fucking upsetting. It almost went under WTF, INTERNET, but you can't BUY it, which is the WTF qualification, in general. Warning: This is horrible and weird. Even if it is a hoax.
This dude made an art project. It is a long, wooden tunnel, that gets progressively smaller, more cramped, and more uncomfortable as you crawl through it. When you finally squeeze out at the end, HE TRIES TO RAPE YOU:
I've constructed a 22 ft tunnel out of plywood that leads into the project room. There is no way in or out of the project room except for this tunnel. As you travel through the tunnel, it gets smaller and smaller, making it so that you have to crawl and put yourself in a submissive position in order to reach the tunnel's destination. At the end of the tunnel the subject will find me waiting in the project room and I'll try to the best of my ability to overpower and rape the person who crawls through.

Yes, it all turned out to be an elaborate bullshit thing, to make a 'point,' which aggravates me on SO MANY LEVELS, but that is NOT THE POINT. Why would you even THINK of this? Who thinks, 'well, for art, I'm going to do me some RAPING.'
I couldn't find out whether his PUNCH YOU IN THE FACE TUNNEL was also bullshit, but it's too insane NOT to talk about. This was just like the rape tunnel, only instead of raping you at the end, he'd punch you in the face. Subtle:
As it turns out, I ended up breaking the nose of the third person to crawl through the tunnel, an aspiring model. She went to the hospital and eventually sued me. Her modeling career was put on hold. The civil case was long and drawn out and the matter still hasn’t been resolved. To this day she still has unpaid medical bills. The point of this long aside is that all this took place two years ago, and I’m still having an impact on this young lady’s life, something not many other artists could claim about their work

Rape seemed like the next logical step.

RAPE IS NEVER THE NEXT LOGICAL STEP. The only 'dialogue' this has created is A) some people are fucking hideous, B) I miss the days when art was just nice drawings and sculptures, and didn't involve VIOLENCE, and C) there is no point to this sort of art, it's just masturbatory idiocy, and to use one of my favorite quotes, 'Just because no one understands you, doesn't make you an artist.'

* So I need to play Arkham Asylum, because it will teach me stuff I need to know for my life, and you all know how I like learning:
If you're a thug and you're in a situation where it looks like you and some other thugs might be able to gang up on Batman, don't do it.
Just walk away.

Is there a Mac compatible version of Arkham Asylum? Why are you all laughing?

Tattoo Of Win
* Would you take $15,000 to have a website address permanently tattooed on your forehead?

[Found at Business Ideas]
This chick did. And more people have advertising tattoos. I remember No Fear.

OK, enough for now.
- LV


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