Wednesday, October 7, 2009

God, Daria. Even Your Imaginary Friends Are Embarrassing.

* Yes, the Fashion Club comes with ho hint of shame. Title is from Daria, obviously.

* I asked Michelle to draw me a bath:

I know. Now I keep thinking of other things I need in my life. So she can draw them, and fill my life with HAPPY.

* Julian scares me:

[Drawn by Erin]
Keep him the HELL away from my bath.

People I Love
* Seth Green had a Christian Bale-esque freak-out:

The difference? His freak-out, it seems, was a fake. Oh, Mr. Green. I knew you wouldn't negate years of love by being a jerk. I had FAITH in you. Plus no one who has ever met you seems to think you're capable of this sort of behavior.

See? SOME celebrities are decent humans.

* First of all, you should be listening to New York Geekcast (when you're not listening to World Peace Through Jackie Earle Haley). Second of all,

They sometimes share videos like this. Star Wars gone green? Imagine the possibilities.

Stuff To Live
* I would like to buy the entire stock of this gum:

[Found at Unique Daily]
So the annoying people chew this, and they don't talk, and the violence level DROPS. BRILLIANT.

* I love pens. Like, a lot. I write all my fiction by hand, for reasons I don't understand, except that paper does not yet have the internet, so I don't have to worry about being distracted by the wonders of the internet, I suppose. And it's fun to sit there for hours trying to decipher my own handwriting.

I like this pen the best:

[Found at Lifehacker]
This is like the pen of doom. Awesome doom. I could write INSANE stories with that pen. All my non-existent genius would flow through the pen. Someone should buy it for me, for ART. There are more pens here.

Daily Hot Guy

{Fran Kranz, who plays Topher Brink in Dollhouse, and who is A) my favorite character excluding Alpha Wash, B) sad and complicated and not the 'funny guy' like Wash or Xander, SO STOP COMPARING THEM, and C) adorably, adorably cute, and I continue to pretend he and Alpha Wash will get a spin-off show that isn't as UNEVEN as their current venture.]

* It may be time for George Lucas to take a nap. Fuck that, it is DEFINITELY time for Mr. Lucas to take a nap. Did you SEE the Star Wars prequels? I did, and my thoughts were, 'Wow, I am so glad I'm not a fan of this franchise, because I might have to kill myself to deal with this agony.' DID YOU SEE STAR WARS: CLONE WARS? Oh, it hurt so badly. So no, I'm not surprised that Indiana Jones 4 had random fucking aliens show up, and ruin the movie.

Because, before that, I LIKED the fourth Indiana Jones. It was silly and stupid, and had monkeys, but I didn't care. Because I grew up scared beyond words of Temple of Doom, and I never got to see an Indiana Jones movie in theaters before, and I am WILLING to lower my standards in the name of nostalgia.

But even I, who was AMUSED by the flying refrigerator, admits that the fifth Indiana Jones will most likely be a super enormous pile of shit. Unless Spielberg and Ford knock out Lucas, and lock him in the closet until the movie is done being made. Even then, the movie will probably end with a group hug. With aliens. Could they just, you know, NOT make this movie?

However, after reading the comments, I am now obsessed with the idea of Nazi Ewoks.

Jackie Earle Haley
* Sci-Fi UK will be getting Human Target. How come you guys don't have to spell it 'SyFy'?

* And if you want to read the comic the show is based on (WHO WOULDN'T?) a trade of Human Target is coming out in January.

* We of WPTJEH have decreed that the second trailer for Shutter Island is far less spoilery than the first. But the changed release date makes us weep bitter tears of disappointment. Ben Kingsley is going to kill you in your sleep. I saw Sexy Beast. I know where it's at.

* This picture is double the hot:

But I only like Jeffrey Dean Morgan when he's John Winchester, OK? And not as much as Mr. Haley. But STILL. I like Supernatural. Don't look at me that way. CAN JACKIE EARLE HALEY BE ON SUPERNATURAL? HE CAN PLAY STICK. OK, OK, I'm done.

* This article on TV shows that should swap writing teams is sad. Because I so badly WANT Heroes to be more twisted than it is (I haven't watched this weeks' episode yet, but I hear rumors I am RIGHT about some of my predictions). And this picture:

Makes me imagine a truly deviant crossover episode where Eric Northman uses Sylar for his own evil plots. Plus, I love that picture of Sylar and Elle (!).

And Joss Whedon should have CUSTODY of Ianto Jones. I HAVE SAID THIS BEFORE. Russell T. Davies can have Dollhouse. Topher and Alpha Wash could hook up (with Whiskey), and Boyd could have an affair with.... I don't know.... Echo. I agree with everything they said about these two shows. Except Ianto needs to get better. EVERYONE ON ANGEL AND BUFFY GOT BETTER. Except the characters I loved. You know what? I can't have this discussion right now. It's making me far too sad. Going to imagine Topher and Alpha Wash's band, 'Alpha and the Dolls.'

Another post, later, because Blogger hates us all. WHY is it only Wednesday? And why did that episode of Supernatural with a clown have to EXIST? CLOWNS ARE SCARY. I was going to post a picture of the clown, to prove how scary it is, but I can't really look at the pictures. CLOWN!FAIL.
- LV


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