Wednesday, October 14, 2009

You Don't Know What Words MEAN, Do You?

* No, I've been faking it all these years. It's rather obvious if you've been paying attention. Title is from Mr. Show, which I miss. Why isn't this on Netflix instant viewing?

* The look of pure, abject horror on this guys' face is awe-inspiring:

[Drawn by Erin]
If it's not food, WHAT IS HE EATING?

World Peace Through Jackie Earle Haley
* New episode is up, where we discuss the new A Nightmare On Elm Street Trailer, and we have many opinions, and Maniac Cop 3 is awesome.

* Hi, Universe, could you do me a favor? It's a small one: Could you NOT turn Heathers into a TV series, thus ruining the movie and destroying one of my few fond memories of Winona Ryder? And if you are determined to ruin one of my favorite high school movies, could you NOT hire one of the writers from Sex & the City to completely miss the point and be worried more about being clever than telling a story or having characters that seem REMOTELY like real people? I hate Sex & the City. CARRIE BRADSHAW WAS A TERRIBLE WRITER, DRESSER, AND HUMAN BEING. So I don't want Heathers: Carrie Goes Back To High School & Gets To Thinking About Murder, OK?!

Geek Want
* OMIGOD. I almost put this under 'Stuff To Live,' because everyone alive needs a big damn model of Serenity (from the movie, not the TV show), signed by Captain Mal 'The Hammer Is My Penis; Reynolds, AKA Nathan Fillion:

[Found at Topless Robot]
OMIGOD. It's not that big (19 by 12 inches), but it's handmade, and it can be modified to your specifications. AND IT'S PRETTY. OK, it's also $2500, which is almost a laughable amount of money, but I'm disregarding that because $2500 doesn't really exist, anyway.

* OK, we have to be nice to NASA for like, a month, because they sent a Twitter feed from the satellite that crashed into the moon. So, you say? WELL, it just so happens that the feed Tweeted lines from A Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy, when the sperm whale plummets to Magrathea. Seriously. I love you NASA. I take back everything bad I've said about you, and you get a free pass for a week. Then the mockery resumes.

* Warren Ellis is writing a movie. If I have to explain why this is win, you are beyond help.

Daily Hot Guy

[Eddie Izzard, proving brains, British-ness, humor, stubble, and an innate understanding of heels makes for a very sexy man. His comedy is funny for always. And he can pull off outfits I would never dare. Requested by Kristamaru, who essentially runs this category, and I am GLAD she does]

* Rorschachschick sent me this image. I don't remember why. I don't know where she found it, or if she made it. I know nothing but what it tells me. But I can't stop staring at it:

Yeah, coffee went up my nose when I saw this. Centipedes are SCARY.

* Daw, it's a gosling with a little robotic leg brace!

[Found at Boing Boing]
I want a robo-goose. I know I should be screaming about fuzzy baby geese overtaking the world, but it's CUTE, OK?! And it's Wednesday and if our goose overlords are downy and quack, I can't be that upset.

More later. Need to go on a quest, in which my goal is MASSIVE amounts of caffeine.
- LV


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