Thursday, October 15, 2009

You & Your Friends Threw Pee Balloons At Me.

* Oh, Kurt. I promise, after high school, that almost NEVER happens. Title is from Glee.

[Drawn by Erin]
* Is this picture, titled 'Cynthia,':
A) A beautiful drawing wherein the physical detail counterbalances the surrealism of the piece?
B) Making me think of Rugrats, solely because Angelica had a doll called Cynthia?
C) Now making me sort of think of Toy Story, and the Baby Head doll, although I have NO idea why?
D) Scaring the crap out of me, because she has crazy eyes and too many legs?
E) All of the above?

Girly Shit
* Who is this girl, and why does she have hair that should be mine?

I want this hair. Not the clearly fake pink extensions, but that haircut. So I need longer hair. Someone make this happen.

* I'd also like these boots:

[Found at Net-A-Porter]
Have you been to this site? It's like, 'look at all the pretty stuff you could buy if you just had a ton more money!'


[Found at Drinking Stuff]
THIS IS RIDICULOUS. You freeze the mold, and then you have 'rock hard boobs' that pour booze out for a bachelor party. OK, as a heterosexual girl maybe I don't know these things, but don't guys NOT like rock hard boobs? Aren't they supposed to generally feel like, you know, boobs? I know it's a beverage dispenser, but why would you say 'rock hard boobs like it's a PLUS?

More importantly could someone, preferably someone with a degree in psychology, explain the urge that apparently overcomes some men and makes them want to drink cheap booze from the cold, fake nipples of a disembodied torso? Because I need to avoid those guys. Because by the end of the night, the breasts will MELT, and nobody wants to see that.

Can't you just hire a stripper like everyone else?

Life Lessons
* The dudes who think boob luges are hilarious should probably read this article on signs that you are bad at dating. Not that I want them to reproduce. Can you imagine baby's first birthday? 'Hey, honey, what say you we break out the boob luge and fill it with MILK?'

* Birds perched on wires transcribed into music?

Birds on the Wires from Jarbas Agnelli on Vimeo.

Shockingly lovely melody. The birds know things. I always suspected they did.

Daily Hot Guy

[Mads Mikkelsen, AKA, The Totally Hot Villain In Casino Royale. And he was the only part of King Arthur that didn't make me want to stab out my eyes. Requested by Lindragon, who probably doesn't have to check the spelling of Mr. Mikkelsen's name every time she types it.]

* This is not hating the movies, the books, or the fans, but the people who smack a pair of fangs onto some random object, claim its 'inspired by Twilight,' and make an assload of money:

[Found at Regretsy]
Stop it. Seriously. Right now. Unless you're holding the glass at just the right angle, you just look like some moron with soap scum on your glass.

Hunter S. Thompson
* I have said numerous times that my next tattoo will have a Hunter S. Thompson theme to it, for obvious reasons of deep love and admiration:

[Found at LOLTATZ]
I'm seriously reconsidering that decision now.

* Warren Ellis is PISSED:
Newspaper Legally Prevented From Reporting On Government

The Guardian is actually FORBIDDEN from reporting THE NEWS. And Mr. Ellis, creator of Spider Jerusalem, is not well pleased. Nor am I. What if Woodward and Bernstein had just gone, 'Oh, OK? Never mind, we'll just NOT report on Watergate.' WATCHMEN COULD HAVE HAPPENED, ONLY WITHOUT THE SUPERHEROES AND WITH NUCLEAR APOCALYPSE FAIL.

That's an exaggeration. But my point remains valid. Journalists have an obligation to report the truth, and any government that tries to interfere with that will on create more distrust in its people.

Oh, Thursday, you scandalous beast. Bring it.
- LB


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