Thursday, October 22, 2009

No, GIR, These Pigs Are For Science! SCIENCE!

I MISS my Invader Zim DVDs, dammit. Also I'd like a tiny piggy. Title is from Invader Zim, in case you missed that.

* Have I posted this Watchmen comic summary?

[Found at the International Society of Supervillains]
It's very disturbing.

* I love Joe Hill, and I love comics, so when he writes comics there is no negativity to be found. Plus the Lovecraftian angle is massively entertaining:

[Found at Joe Hill Fiction]
Of course, my local comic book store does not CARRY these comics, and the one that does is far away and if I go in while wearing a skirt there's a serious chance of one of the clerks stroking, because females don't read books with PICTURES, HAHA. God, I hate this town sometimes.

Words Of Win
...with the news that Mexico’s navy uncovered more than one ton of cocaine hidden inside frozen shark carcasses, humans have now done every possible thing there is to do in the world.

Welp, we had a good run, did we not? I for one enjoyed the clothes, and some of the people, and energy drinks. WHO looks at sharks, and thinks cocaine? Similarly, what sick bastard dreams of stuffing dead sharks with cocaine? WHAT IS GOING ON?! It must be Thursday. I could never get the hang of Thursdays.

Inglourious Basterds
* I take a lot of shit from my beloved and well-meaning friends over my Quentin Tarantino love. It's easy to ignore, because true love is BEYOND their petty jealousy, and I've been hearing the same shit since I was twelve, so I'm immune. But when one of my friends sent me a link with the words, 'What the HELL is your fiancee wearing?" I felt cold, clammy fear:

[Found at Go Fug Yourself]
Oh, honey, NO. WHY? It HURTS me so. Clearly, you are just trying to steer my attention away from Jackie Earle Haley and your friend Tim Roth, who does not GO OUT IN PUBLIC DRESSED WITH FROGS ON HIM.
I have decided to endorse the following explanation:
Or is it possible that he overslept and ran to the Spike Awards having forgotten to change out of his pajama top? Because the truth of the matter is, I love the idea of QT wandering around his house in these jammies that look like this. It just sounds so RIGHT.

It does sound right. It sounds wonderful. Oh, QT, our love defies such petty things as distance, or reality, or hideous fashion choices, or my friends' accurate statement that 'He looks like an expensive sausage' or ANY of it. Because I've had a crush on you since I was twelve, and some things are DOOMED.
But then again, my mother loves frogs, so perhaps this is all a clever plan to win over my mom, who finds my love for you 'weird and gross'? BRILLIANT, SIR. MAKE ANOTHER FROM DUSK TILL DAWN, PLEASE.

Daily Hot Guy

[Zack Snyder, AKA Hottest Director Around. I was considering leaving Quentin Tarantino as today's DHG, but even I, who admit I have a CRUSH, don't think that picture is the best example of his win. So here's a very hot director, and if anyone could find me a picture of Snyder and Tarantino together, I will be your best friend. In theory.]

Life Lessons
* This blog does not have a good history with Venn Diagrams, but I like this one, so let's try it again, SHALL WE?

[Found at Neatorama]
For what it's worth, I'm against any pet that seems interested in chewing on your childs' head. I am FIRM on that matter.

Sherlock Holmes
* Gareth David-Lloyd is Watson in a Sherlock Holmes adaptation. His mustache is tiny and makes me sad, but his suit makes me happy, and as someone who has read everything Sir Arthur Conan Doyle wrote, multiple times, and ALSO loves Gareth David-Lloyd, you will find NO SNARK from me here. Even if there is a freaking T-Rex, which is NOT what Sir Arthur Conan Doyle had in mind, and WHO WROTE THIS? I NEED TO SPEAK TO THE AUTHOR.

* Is today director's day on my blog? It must be. And no, Quentin could never go in this category. THE MAN WROTE TRUE ROMANCE. KNEEL BEFORE HIM.
Anyway, what the fuck is Spike Lee wearing on his head?

[Found at Best Week Ever]
Keep him away from Quentin. The man has enough issues without putting THIS on his massive, massive head.

* Yeah, this category is for shit I do not understand. I don't know:

[Found at World Of Wonder]
Really, I have no fucking clue. It's a barbell with LEGS.

Oh, and this is both a tribute to the brilliant and lovely Miss Banshee, who made this, and a gift to my friend who is having a long day:

Time to go kick Thursday in the nuts. Better wear cute shoes...
- LV


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