Friday, October 23, 2009

I Can't Be Bothered To Hit You. Here Is My Fist. Kindly Run Towards It.

* I totally lust after Edmund Blackadder in the later series, and I apologize for NOTHING. Title is from Blackadder.

* Even when cross and smacked down by the torture that is MATH, Megan brings us the glory of Tim Roth, and cake, and a fabulous list of horror movies that I AGREE with, which is rare. Let's invite Tim Roth over to watch horror movies and eat cake. HOW INTENSE WOULD THAT BE?

* This may be the cutest allergy ever:

[Drawn by Erin]
Look at her knees! They are ridiculously adorable! Yeah, the caffeine isn't working yet if I'm gushing over cartoon knees. Even if it is frigging adorable.

* I love Patience, because A) she quoted Tombstone, and my FAVORITE LINE in Tombstone, and that is sweet, and B) she is awesome, generally, and C) she made this:


* Have you checked out MY blog? Yesterday a printer CHEWED MY SOUL.

* Huzzah, book four begins, and yesterday my FREAKANGEL-ESQUE boots arrived last night, AND I WILL WEAR THEM AND PRETEND TO HAVE SUPER-POWERS, AND KARL WILL BE JUST FINE. OK?! I'll read it after I blog, and FREAKANGELS will be the one bright spot on my otherwise work-filled FRIDAY OF FAIL. Spoilers under my signature.

* I'm reorganizing categories in my blog, and if you have a PROBLEM with that, you have to eat these:

[Found at Friggin Random]
I don't, because it's my blog, and I'm allergic to skinless wieners. Stop laughing.

* Like most people of a certain age/disposition, I love Halloween. And that is why I want these pancake molds of scary adorable:

[Found at Incredible Things]
Are these the cutest pancakes ever? I think so. I THINK THEY ARE DELICIOUS. I will eat these ghosts, and they can haunt the shit out of me, if they want, because I will be so happy.

* I kind of love Robert Gibbs, because I feel like he would be a great friend to have in a tight spot. He would casually rip your enemies a new asshole, but in such a way that the other person would have no idea how to retaliate. Look at the way he diminishes Dick Cheney's very existence:

Then again, it IS Dick Cheney, and he is the Evil Ogre beneath the bridge that eats our adorable goats. That sentence went away from me, but my point remains VALID. Robert Gibbs is my defense lawyer, I just decided.

* Guys, I am tired. I have a lot of unpleasant work today, I will be rubbing caffeine in my eyeballs in a few hours, and it's FRIDAY. A DAY OF JOY. So I don't know about this:

[Found at Regretsy]
I don't know. Why is there Obama coffee? Why? I don't know. I am very tired.

Daily Hot Guy

[Hugh Laurie, the Original Hot Male British Actor. He and Tim Roth's characters need to join forces for the BIGGEST CASE EVER. Really, Hugh Laurie was in Blackadder, and Tim Roth was in Pulp Fiction, and I think they're the only two British actors who have yet to appear in the Harry Potter franchise. He's got amazing eyes and gorgeous hands. Plus, his book is really quite good.]

* Zombies are going to show up and kick the SHIT out of the vampire craze, and it's amazing, because zombies beat vampires, as we all know, because is there a VAMPIRE apocalypse? NO. NEVER. Just a zombie apocalypse. TRUFAX.

Apocalypse How?
* Hah, we have a Dollhouse for flies now, and can manufacture feelings of fear and pain, and did anyone see that movie The Signal? I did not like it very much, but WHAT IF IT TURNS OUT TO BE TRUE? Going crazy is not the same as being a zombie. Sorry, wrong category. Um, Alpha as a fly would be terribly interesting. Yeah, we're doomed.

* As a struggling writer, I appreciate the idea of copyright laws, and people not stealing my shit. But Access Copyright, a Canadian copyright organization (if you couldn't tell) is banning, among other things, home TV recordings, and moving eBooks from reader to reader.

Let me be clear: You BUY an eBook, with your money. It's yours. Your eBook reader gets old, and you get a new one. By this law, you CANNOT TRANSFER your book. That you bought. With your money.

I need to call bullshit. As my college professor often said, 'Information Wants To Be Free.' Stealing and sharing are different. Could someone explain this to Canada?

* You all know I love the website Topless Robot, even though it shows me the most nightmarish fanfiction I have EVER seen, and I will never be OK, because, guys DARKWING DUCK EROTIC FANFICTION, WHUT?!

But on this subject, I am in complete agreement with TR: The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy can only be written by Douglas Adams, and no books written by other authors will be acknowledged as part of that series:
Topless Robot is of the opinion that this book is a cash grab by the late Douglas Adams' wife, that Douglas Adams was so individual a writer that no one could or should try to replicate him, and that And Another Thing should be avoided at all costs. If there was a way to not buy the book any harder, I would do that. Maybe I can demand a refund for it from a bookstore just by virtue of its existence.

I may try this, later today, because you know WHAT? You don't fucking pull stuff like this, especially with a man who wrote for freaking Doctor Who. Are you TRYING to anger Bruce Campbell?

* You know what? This is why I only want to have boy children:

[Found at World Of Wonder]
It's a cleaning trolley. For children. Girl children, I'm assuming, because it's pink. I can't even deal with this. I'm so tired. I don't even have the energy to get angry about this. If you can't see the problem with this... I don't know. I need a nap.

* I had the Crayola Crayon 'Indian Red.' I had that huge set, and I loved that set, and I want it BACK. I never thought it was offensive, but what did I know? I was little. I colored Bugs Bunny green. I was crazy. Anyway, they used to have cooler names for crayons. Prussian Blue? That's a sweet name for a crayon.

Doctor Who
* Masterpiece Theater should NOT be sexy:


What are we talking about? I'm sorry, he's still talking, and nothing you say matters right now.

People I Love
* David Cross and Bob Odenkirk take on Balloon Boy, thus marking the ONLY report I actually READ on the whole disaster.

OK, going to read FREAKANGELS, then do work.
- LV

KARL HAD A MOHAWK BACK IN THE DAY. Also I love the flashback. And FINALLY, I get to see Mark. I understand his charisma. Guy is smart. But where's Arkady? Is she off using? Or did I just not notice her? It's possible.

This comic makes me want to go shopping. DAMMIT, MR. ELLIS. I CANNOT AFFORD TO BUY COOL CLOTHES.

Karl is hot. Shut up, all of you.


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