Friday, October 2, 2009

My Lifeless Remains Cannot Sue The City?

* Mine can. They totally can. TRUFAX. My lifeless remains have powers. I think I have officially grown beyond the powers of caffeine. I weep. Title is from Castle (he really is ruggedly handsome).

* Dammit Michelle, stop posting images of things that need to be mine! I am going to be a pirate on her ship. And we shall be feared. Oh, how we shall be feared! And the art she's working on is gorgeous. I know these things.

* The itty bitty kitty cupcake is happy to see me!

[Drawn by Erin]
The question is, honestly, do I hug it or eat it? DAMN its survival techniques. It's so cute. Or maybe it's like the cow in The Restaurant at the End of the Universe and WANTS me to eat it? But.... it is a kitty! I want to eat it. No, I don't. I'm really confused. I think I'll just pet it and go away now.

* So I am late to the Supernatural party, but I am bringing the booze and drugs, if I am allowed to stretch the metaphor. I have two people to thank for this (because, really, I needed another fandom. Yeah, definitely) and Megan is one of them. She also has the best cache of Jackie Earle Haley pictures ever. I should steal them. FOR SCIENCE. No, I'm lying. Science has nothing to do with it. Nothing at all.

* Theresa points out how The Last Unicorn traumatized all of us. Which it did. She's wrong about The Goonies, although trauma might explain why I still love Corey Feldman and endorse his increasingly questionable life choices. I think I need to go make a special harpy mace now. Scariest scene ever.

Freakangels Friday
* Huzzah! It is still raining in Whitechapel, shit is going DOWN, I want to be a steampunk, and Mr. Ellis, who just tweeted about his crotch-scratching adventures (truth!) has blessed us undeserving FOOLS with another entry of the greatest webcomic ever, FREAKANGELS. That may be an exaggeration. MAYBE. I admit to nothing. I think I could be KK for Halloween, only nobody would recognize me, and it would end up like that now-infamous Halloween party where I made the hostess cry. Which no one needs. Anyway, I will read the comic AFTER I post this entry, so spoilers will be below by signature. I made a FREAKANGELS shirt. What did you do to appease the Ellis god?

* This is all Megan's fault. This whole category can be blamed on her. She showed me this video, and I had so many fucking nightmares about Hubert Cumberdale. I'd seen it before, but I had BLOCKED it, because of the trauma. Also, 'You taste like sunshine dust' is the scariest thing ever, except for the line about red water. I'm scared again:

* It really does puzzle me, how the random placement of categories ends up with shows being discussed on the dates they air. This blog is a magical place. Moving on, did Dollhouse redefine science fiction success? I think that's too broad a question. I mean, you need to count in the Joss Factor, as I just decided it will be called. He has devoted fans. Scary devoted. As we should be, because he is brilliant and I love him. Even if he does give us nothing back but PAIN.

But Dollhouse is not getting good ratings, because most people go out on Fridays. Personally I think Fox renewed because they didn't want to deal with the madness and fan hysteria that surrounded the cancelation of Firefly (Note: Firefly was a better show, in the few episodes it had, than Dollhouse's first few episodes, although Epitaph One may be one of the best Whedon episodes of any show, and I frankly think a lot of the panic over Dollhouse was more in principle than based on the show love (until Topher got super-awesome and Alpha Wash showed up, of course, and then the show got AMAZINGLY good).

Anyway, this is my usual plea for you all to watch the show, because A) Alpha Wash, B) the scene where Topher and Whiskey had their little 'discussion' was hot and sad and I hope one or both of them cracks (although if Topher dies, as I have predicted because I am a cloud of negativity and DOOM, you will all have to comfort me with money and clothes) C) there needs to always be a show by Joss Whedon on TV, D) Due to Twitter conversations with remains, I am holding out hope for an Alpha Wash spinoff costarring Neil Patrick Harris, with cooking by Zachary Quinto as Sylar. Yes, the internet is AWESOME.

* This is not a funny category today. This makes me genuinely angry and sick. Two radio DJs encouraged violence against transgender children. Now I want to speak carefully here, because while encouraging violence against anyone for who they are is deeply fucked up, that's not specifically what I'm getting into.

These guys are encouraging violence against children. Children who, if they are transgendered (these DJs seem to put any male that doesn't fit the very narrow stereotype of masculinity in this category) are already dealing with a myriad of personal and emotional issues). The level of hostility is TERRIFYING:

For his part, States bragged that if his own son were to ever dare put on a pair of high heels, States would beat his son with one of his own shoes. He urged parents whose own little boys expressed a desire to wear a dress to verbally abuse and degrade them as a viable response.

This goes beyond personally/morally disagreeing with someone else's way of life. You don't have to like how someone else lives, who they are. It would be nice if people didn't hate other people because of the way they are born, but it's unlikely to change any time soon.

But encouraging violence against transgendered people - children in particular - is sick. I have friends who are transgendered. Coming to terms with that on their own was an incredibly difficult experience, and they have my admiration and awe for their courage. But some of them had to deal with violence, verbal and physical. When they were in middle school and high school. And not just from their classmates.

Look, bottom line: you don't have to 'approve' of transgendered people. Hell, you don't have to approve that I'm a girl, or that Lance Bass is gay. Your approval doesn't change who people are. But encouraging violence against people who are different - KIDS who are different - is sick.

As if high school doesn't suck enough.

We now return to general randomness.

* I don't need a sequel to the Winnie The Pooh books. You can have one, if you want. I mean, I won't read it (and we don't need some damn otter in our woods, THANK YOU VERY MUCH), but you can.

And Pooh does not have OCD. Shut up. Stop analyzing my childhood loves.

Daily Hot Guy

[Nathan Fillion, AKA Richard Castle, AKA Mal Reynolds, AKA Captain Hammer. The hammer is his penis. Requested by Kaishabackwards, who is working on her terrible death whinny.]

epic fail pictures
see more Fail Blog

* Here's another article on how Torchwood is getting a fourth season, but will Ianto fans watch, after Russell T. Davies CHEWED ON OUR SOULS LIKE SWEET SWEET CARAMELS?
For my part, yes, I will probably watch an episode or two to see what happens. I won't be happy about it, and will probably scream at whoever is with me, 'THIS WOULD BE BETTER WITH IANTO. THEIR COFFEE WILL SUCK FOREVER NOW!' and other such nonsense. But I'm interested in what they do. And I really do like John Barrowman. It's not his fault that the creator of Torchwood hates sexy Welsh coffee boys.

Um, Blogger keeps sending me an error message when I try to add more labels, and I'm getting scared that it will soon not let me post this AT ALL, so I think I'm just going to go read Freakangels now. Spoilers below my signature.
- LV

WARNING: Spoilers for this weeks' FREAKANGELS Below
This would have been a very exciting week, if I gave a shit about KK. I know, I'm a bitch. But I have decided that I only care about Arkady and Karl, and I will not compromise on this. At least we finally GOT some Arkady. It's been all Kait and Luke and Kirk. BRING ON ARKADY AND KARL. AND LET THEM LIVE.


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