Tuesday, October 27, 2009

I Like Him. He Says 'Okey-Dokey'.

* I say Okey-Dokey! Title is from Supernatural. Also sums up why Dean is my favorite Winchester brother.

* Megan did a meme! And she reminded me how freaking SCARY Shirley Jackson's writing is. Now I need a hug. She's going to be a psycho like me! Wait....


[Drawn by Erin]
Except I wonder how much he eats before he realizes that Trix isn't really very good.

* I am jealous of Patience's mad knitting skills. I make arm warmers that look sort of pukish and sad. She makes this:
Plus I steal all her memes, because she is the meme fairy, and also she's just badass. TRUFAX.

* I don't know about this:
[Found at Wired]
It's a T-Shirt that tells others how you're feeling. You press a button, and it informs the world of your emotion.
But what if I'm feeling perspicacious? Or downtrodden but determined? What if I'm feeling wryly amused with a bittersweet emotion? Don't LABEL me. I am a creature of MYSTERY.

* This is not art. This is an ABOMINATION. I will never be the same again:

[Found at Like Cool]
I'm in a safe place, and it's safe here, and there are no clowns, CLOWNS. OH GOD, THE CLOWNS. DON'T SEND IN THE CLOWNS.

I can fend off a zombie, I just can't handle Pennywise. WHO COULD?!

I miss Bill Watterson. I miss Calvin and Hobbes. But I respect his decision to go out into the woods and paint pictures. I'm pretty intrigued by this book about him, though. And I love this xkcd comic:

[Found at xkcd]
Hold your mouse over it, and miss Watterson all over again.

Words of Win
fail owned-choking pwned pictures
see more Epic Fails

* Behold! The pumpkin cheeseburger:

[Found at Geekologie]
I must be getting old, because all I think is how bad it's going to smell after a few days.

* I love candy corn. It is pure sugar, colored for my enjoyment. I love it. I only eat it around Halloween, because it really isn't very good, if you stop and TASTE it. But I love it. And now I can make it AT HOME IN MANY COLORS:

[Found at Tasting Table]
It's all to advertise some cookbook. I'm a good cook, but I'm also lazy, so maybe you buy the book and cook it for me, yes? I like anything that doesn't have raisins or coconut.

Life Lessons
* This is true:

[Found at Indexed]

Daily Hot Guy

[Gerard Way, lead singer of the band My Chemical Romance. I was told by a good friend that I don't have NEARLY enough musical people in this category, and the MCR boys are hot in that guyliner/neo-punk-emo way that I shamefully ADORE. And you know what? MCR is a fun, good band. See, this is why musical people rarely grace the DHG section; I end up defending my taste in music.]

* I don't care if this is the most delicious food ever created. It well may be. After all, it is:
A sandwich filled with four cheeseburgers, a double cheesesteak, a chicken cheesesteak, gyro meat, grilled chicken, bacon, sausage, mozzarella sticks, chicken fingers, chicken nuggets, mac n’ cheese bites, fried mushrooms, jalapeƱo poppers, pizza bites, onion rings, hash browns, American cheese, mayo, and ketchup on two rolls.

I mean, I LIKE most of those things separately. Right? So mixing them should be good, right?

[Found at This Is Why You're Fat]
The only redeeming factor in this whole food!fail is that if I had one of these, I could probably get Dean Winchester from Supernatural's attention by waving it in his face.

* I don't like Newt Gingrich, for so many reasons. However, none of those have to do with why I'd like him to stop being on Twitter. It's just this:

[Found at Wonkette]
Mr. Gingrich, for the sake of America, maybe stop using Twitter? For war reenactments? Or just stop using it? Go back to Facebook.

Incidentally, I realized that Halloween is THIS weekend, and I have no idea what to be. Suggestions? So far these are my ideas:
- A zombie hunter, a la Zombieland.
- Someone from Repo! The Genetic Opera.
Look, I just want an excuse to wear my kick-ass purple boots, and not FREEZE, otherwise I would just dress up as Lady Gaga. So offer suggestions? Please? I am not creative.

It's gross out.
- LV


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