Tuesday, July 28, 2009

I Wanna Lick Your Mind!

* I know it's meant as a compliment, but... that can't be sanitary. Title is from True Blood, WHICH I MISSED THIS WEEK, and need to watch on HBO On Demand, because apparently there was a foppish 1920s vampire.

Tattoo Of Win
* This tattoo is so gross I don't want to post it on my blog. But I will post the link, because that way it's not MY responsibility if you click it. But really. This is NSFW. It is Not Safe For Anything. I just.... It skeeves me. But it's definitely a Win, because if I met someone with this tattoo I would never be able to look at them again.

* Germany found cocaine in Red Bull. Trace amounts. Which completely explains my attitude during my senior year of college. I was writing a paper about Red Bull, so I thought it would be edgy and post-modern to write a paper on Red Bull while drinking nothing BUT Red Bull. Unfortunately this resulted in me crying for no reason, screaming at things that weren't there, shaking, and developing a twitch. I was a wreck. They have this little car with a giant Red Bull can on it, in New York, for promotional purposes? I tried to chase it down the street. Point is, it would be much less humiliating to have to say, 'I was secretly addicted to cocaine,' instead of, 'I drank too much sugar free Red Bull and my brain cells committed suicide.
And for those who say Red Bull isn't a food? It is when you're in college. It's AMBROSIA when you're in college. I'm so glad I switched to coffee.

Words Of Win

[Found at CoolHunting]

Hunter S. Thompson
* If you read one website, read this one, obviously.
If you listen to one podcast, listen to this one.
If you read one website about Hunter S. Thompson... still read mine. But this one, too, because it's got lots of goodies. Including a petition to get Fear and Loathing: On The Campaign Trail '72 into the Modern Library, because it's one of the greatest books ever written, and what this blog is named after (NOT Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, although I love that book as well). So go sign the petition, or the god of Journalism will rise from the dead and show you images of dogs fucking the pope until your eyes rupture. He does these things. Not my fault.

* My word! Is that the smell of bullshit? Yes, yes it is! Ah, the robust odor of pretension, with... yes... just a smack of ignorance! This person took people's SAT scores from Facebook, and books they listed as their favorites, averaged them out, and determined which books smart people read vs. dumb people.

[Found at SociologicalImages]
Now, I could spend literally HOURS screaming about this. I'm tempted to. Only I have work and a life, and screaming for hours would be time-consuming, yes? So I'm going to point out the most unforgivable bits of bullshit:
- He's Just Not That Into You is smarter than Where The Red Fern Grows
- Angels and Demons is smarter than Lord of the Flies
- The Lovely Bones is smarter than A Tree Grows In Brooklyn (WHAT. THE. HELL. WHAT IS WRONG WITH EVERYONE EVER?)
- Not reading at all is smarter than Fahrenheit 451
- Life of Pi is smarter than The Catcher In The Rye
- The Da Vinci Code is smarter than Hamlet
Let's ignore the fact that arguing for which books make you 'smart' is ridiculous, as there is a drastic difference between reading a book in school and actually understand and enjoying it. I'm more horrified by the quality, and that your SAT scores determine your intelligence, and that generally speaking books I really find infuriating did so well on this, and that The Color Purple is apparently only the vestige of dumb people. That is MORONIC. Smart people can like stupid books, and awful, ignorant people can like good books. THIS IS NOT A VALID REPRESENTATION OF INTELLIGENCE. I hate this chart. It has ruined my morning. CHART FAIL. And HOW funny is it that not reading is considered 'smarter' than reading Fahrenheit 451? It's so funny! These are tears of laughter!

Harry Potter
* Here is an article on the homosexual undertones of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. It had to be done. But Alan Rickman does NOT look like a New Wave lesbian in a CAPE, and shame on you for insulting him SO. I don't really agree overall, and to be honest I was more interested in saying things like, 'Where the hell is Neville in this movie?' and 'Damn, Draco became a MAN. He's legal now, yes?'

Daily Hot Guy

[Zack Snyder, director of Dawn of the Dead, 300, and Watchmen, secret lover of Blu-Ray (show us the Dark Mark, ZACK) and disproving the theory that directors are not hot]

Star Trek

* Star Trek/Office Space macros. You're welcome.

Doctor Who
* I am still mad at Russell T. Davies, but I love both David Tennant and John Barrowman, and do not blame them for the sins of TV shows they happen to be in, or the EMOTIONAL RETARDATION OF CHARACTERS WHO CANNOT ADMIT THEIR LOVE TO PEOPLE THEY WILL NEVER SEE AGAIN. I'm fine, I'm back, it's all good. Anyway, my friend Larissa, who chose the 'I will wreck this place with my anger' attitude instead of my 'Crying in the corner and naming everything in the house Ianto and drinking' attitude, because she's more mature than I am, sent me this clip:

I need to go to work now.
- LV

PS If you don't listen to World Peace Through Jackie Earle Haley, the best podcast ever, I'll expose your horrible secret. I KNOW WHAT YOU DID. Also, it's incredibly funny.


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