Monday, July 20, 2009

There's Vampire In Your Cleavage.

* File this under, 'Things that sound sort of cool until you realize she means vampire MUSH, and then not so much.' Title is from True Blood.

* This is a hot dog:

[Found at Neatorama]
I suddenly want to contact these people and plan out Watchmen: The Wiener Edition. It will be dark, complex, and appear in IMAX.

Geek Want
* This would be an excellent present for an alcoholic former pro-football player:

[Found at NerdApproved]
Or if you get a real thrill out of pouring booze into a football, and then giving it to the kids to toss around. 'Timmy, you and your friends go play for a little. Then bring Mommy the ball, and some of those fancy olives.'

* Look, I really DO like Pat Buchanan, and he's old, and if I ever meet him I will ask him how it feels to be affiliated with both Hunter S. Thompson AND Watchmen, and if that gives him super powers. I may also hug him to steal some of his magic. But not his spelling skills:

[Found at Wonkette]
I didn't write 'lamers,' because I wouldn't do that. Also because I don't call people 'lamers.' But spelling errors are always funny.

* I do NOT, however like Donald Rumsfeld. I just don't, in part because of a panel on torture I attended in college where I got to speak with Janis Karpinski. But some people do like Donald Rumsfeld, including this dude who wrote a book about him, and how he's misunderstood by the liberal media. Now, just one thing: the liberal media wasn't nice to Rumsfeld. But some of the most damning criticism came from the conservative side. When your own party things you're a sadistic son of a bitch, that is NOT a good sign. Like how the liberals think Bill Clinton is an irascible hound dog who let his dick control the presidency. Hey, I like Bill Clinton. But for all the good things he did, he'll be remembered as President 'Sexual Relations With That Woman.' My point got away from me there, didn't it? Blame it on a rum hangover. And it's Monday.

* I like this article about Rachel Maddow and Pat Buchanan, and why they don't get along, because as I keep saying I want Pat Buchanan to be my second grandpa. He could get drunk with my current grandpa and they could call me a Communist Pinko, and then my father could call me a raging conservative, and I could sit there and be confused. This has happened, by the way, with my father insisting I am an uber-conservative, and my grandfather, deeply offended, replying with claims that I am a liberal Communist Pinko, and I quietly take bets from the other relatives on who is going to win the argument.

* Prince Charles has predicted the day we will all die. Enter it into your diary, and begin the panic, as he is the once and future king, only instead of pulling a sword from a stone and saving England, he said filthy things on the phone to his mistress. Real life is NEVER as fun as the book.

* This may be my new favorite web-series. DUDE, SUPERHERO DRUG ADDICTS. YES. Watch the first episode, and bow before the mighty win.

* I don't care if it's for health reasons, this is fucking disgusting:

[Found at BoingBoing]
So kids blow up balloons with their noses, and it clears their inner ear. No. Because you know what kids will do? They'll make goddamn snot balloons, and throw them at people, and society will COLLAPSE. I'm not kidding. You don't let kids play with bodily fluids. They have no self control. Yes, this may help them breathe better, but you'll end up with snotty kids. And kids, while sometimes cute, are by and large smelly and loud and inconvenient, and frankly if you add 'constantly snotty' to that list, the birth rate will plummet. Which might be a good thing, for the overpopulation of earth, so maybe I should just shut up. But keep your snotty spawn away from me. They are gross, and that one over there has an iPhone, and is SIX.

Daily Hot Guy(s)

[John Barrowman and Gareth David-Lloyd as Captain Jack Harkness and Ianto Jones in Torchwood. AND I THINK I JUST READ THE SPOILER FOR CHILDREN OF THE EARTH. GOD DAMMIT ALL TO HELL]

* I have no problem admitting I love the Final Destination series. It's a collection of awesome death scenes. That's ALL. Fuck the plot or characters. Elaborate and creative death scenes. So yes, I WILL be seeing the fourth installment in 3-D, and I will enjoy it, and I do not CARE what that says about me or my intellect, because sometimes you just want to laugh at the violence.


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