Saturday, July 18, 2009

Need Me To Do Any Attacking, Sir?

* Ianto, there is no non-filthy way for me to answer that question. Title is from Torchwood.

* I will be doing a Watchmen: The Director's Cut blog entry as soon as my friend and partner in crime sends me the pictures from the night of glory. Suffice it to say, YES. YES.

* Later today I will being doing a Hunter S. Thompson post, to celebrate what would have been his 72nd birthday. I will also drink Wild Turkey and yell a lot. As he would have wanted.

* So according to this list, I am not a geek. Maybe there are different rules for girl geeks, possibly? But generally, I do not fulfill these requirements. Here are the few Essential Skills I possess:
6. Work from home or a coffee shop as effectively as you do at the office.
22.Share a printer between a Mac and a PC on a network.
24. Remove a virus from a computer.
42. Knowing the answer to life, the universe and everything
44. Google obscure facts in under 3 searches. Bonus point if you can use I Feel Lucky.
72. Explain that the colours in a rainbow are roygbiv.
81. Be able to trace the Fellowship’s journey on a map of Middle Earth.
82. Know all the names of the Dwarves in The Hobbit.
83. Understand the difference between a comic book and a graphic novel.
84. Know where your towel is and why it is important.
87. Reciting key scenes from Monty Python and the Holy Grail.
88. Be able to recite at least one Geek Movie word for word.
90. Be able to explain why it’s important that Han shot first.
91. Know why it is just wrong for Luke and Leia to kiss.
92. Stop talking Star Wars long enough to get laid.
93. The ability to name actors, characters and plotlines from the majority of sci-fi movies produced since 1968.
94. Have a documented plan on what to do during a zombie or robot uprising.
95. Identify evil alternate universe versions of friends, family, co-workers or self.

I didn't do TERRIBLY, but this list ignores the Whedonverse, Doctor Who, most comic-geek geekery, and WHAT ABOUT STAR TREK? I remember how tasers work. What? Don't smirk like that. I can also recite several movies from memory. So my technical ignorance should not be held against me. How did you do?

* OK, I don't get why the shower has got to be a fascinating experience. You get in, you wash yourself, you get out, you go on with life. It doesn't have to be heady experience of fun. It's showering. It's like brushing your teeth. It doesn't HAVE to be fun. But NO, in this day and age everything has to be EXCITING and INTERESTING and we need constant shiny objects and pretty lights to keep us conscious. So I present the RIO Lighted Shower:

[Found at Neatorama]
Do you need this? Really? Is your life so full, everything so perfect and wonderful, that you need to spend $4,000 on a shower that makes it seem like you're bathing in the dark? Because if that's true I hate you, and think I need to confiscate your $4,000 and spend it on VALUABLE things, and not stupid showers that look cool, but essentially just get you CLEAN.

* Click here to see fabulous pictures of Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland, with an animal theme. Johnny Depp is holding a bunny!


[Found at FrigginRandom]
I want a baby cheetah. I will name it Stockton. For obvious reasons.

Daily Hot Guy

[Doctor Hunter Stockton Thompson. Happy 72nd birthday, you crazy bastard. I'm sure right now you're cursing out Buddah and hitting on Joan of Arc]

Apocalypse How?
* Sleep can kill you. This is the worst news ever in the history of mankind. Sleeping 8 hours per night makes you die sooner. So either you are sleep-deprived and homicidal, or you are well-rested, but DEAD. These are not fun choices. I need a third option. Because I like my sleep and hate insomnia. Sleep should not make me die. THAT IS NOT COOL. And I know Edgar Allen Poe said, "Sleep, those little slices of death; Oh how I loathe them." But he's Edgar Allen Poe. He can say whatever he wants. And he was being metaphorical. METAPHOR. Look it up. Don't use Google - you'll probably end up with porn.

* This made me laugh. A lot. I did not make it. So I am not alone in my dislike:

[Found at FrigginRandom]


[Found at Nearorama]

Oh... wait...

[Found at Neatorama]
False alarm. Put the safety back on your gun. You, did you wet yourself? You sicken me with your fear. This is WAR, cadet. But for real, if anyone gets me this shirt, I will run around the neighborhood like that and prove to my ignorant neighbors once and for all that they need to increase their security measures. In other news, who wants to start raising bail money?

Girly Shit
* Sometimes the universe is kind to me. Jimmy Choo, maker of shoes that cost more than my car, will be designing shoes for H&M, and I will maybe be able to afford them if I stop buying Watchmen stuff. Or finish my novel and make millions, hahaha. Anyway, I will own a pair of quasi-Choos, which are not quite as cool as regular Choos, but come WITHOUT the poverty, so I won't complain.

* So I did not get Nine Inch Nails tickets, which I can't really talk about at the moment, because it was sold out in like five minutes, and I am UPSET, but not giving up yet.

* Here's a video of Lady Gaga.

She should tour with NIN. If only for the WTF factor. And can you IMAGINE the mixing of the fans? It would be life-changing. And since I suggested this, I get tickets to one of the shows, YES?


[Found at DVICE]
It is a magnetized keyboard and mouse, and you can STICK IT TO THINGS. I need this. I do. Don't ask me why, but how cool is this? I could use this at work. Or at home, even though I have laptops at both locations. But my desks are always covered with piles of paper and random crap, and this would clear up space, and we all need space, so if I get one of these sent to my house by the company, I will totally endorse this thing on a daily basis. I am willing to hock my wares.

* I can't post my stories until I get the pictures, so in the meantime:

[Found at WatchmenMovie]
Also I don't want to give out spoilers for the additional scenes just yet. Let me just say this: it is worth it to catch it on the big screen. It really is. It's a better movie, overall. And the big screen lets you really appreciate the work and detail of this film. Zack Snyder wins FOREVER.

Tattoo Of Win
* This reminds me of the art style of the sculptures my childhood friends' mother collected:

[Found at LOLTATZ]
Her sculptures didn't do that, to my knowledge.

* I like weird food. I like mixing foods that were never intended to be mixed, and then eating them. But there are some things I will not eat. Including:

Mainly because that bull looks like the one from Ren & Stimpy.

They are scorpions. I don't want to be near scorpions. Ever. Including in my tummy. My tummy is a bug-free zone. I don't want to eat something that can POISON me.
Horrifyingly, I would try:

Because I want to be able to say, 'Yes, I have supped upon canned possum. What of it?' There are more vile foods here.

Words Of Win
* Girl Electrocutes Herself Tweeting In Bathtub.
There are some places even Twitter should not go.

YouTube Wonders
* If you watch this while your dog barks at this video, the universe folds up on itself.

More later, including HST and Watchmen.
- LV


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