Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Was That Flirting Or Does She Hate You?

* Can't it be both? Title is from Burn Notice.

* Because it's Tuesday, and Watchmen is finally out on DVD, and Torchwood: Children of the Earth Day 2 is tonight, and last night made me laugh, daww, get freaked out, and cry, I present a picture of a wee baby armadillo:

[Found at UniqueDaily]
I love tiny cute animals. All armadillos are named Norbert, by the way. TRUTH

Daily Hot Guy

[Zachary Quinto, as Sylar, rocking both a hat AND his Sybrows]

Apocalypse How?
* Now humans are giving pigs swine flu. That means we should change the name, right? Because otherwise aren't we just blaming the victim? But the German scientists INJECTED the pigs. I don't walk around doing that, unless the tequila is especially good that day. So do they have much to worry about? Also, I don't live near swine. Not that kind of swine. I have chickens and cows in my neighborhood, but no swine. So should I be worried about cow hiccups? I want that to be the next disease. Instead of hiccups, you moo. But yeah, now we're killing pigs, pigs are killing us, it's like Animal Farm all over again.

* This was sent to me by GeohMetro, and fulfills many fantasies of mine:

* This is porn for zombie lovers.

[Found at Collider]
What? Can't a relatively normal heterosexual young woman find the idea of killing zombies exciting? I didn't say it was THAT kind of porn. Ew. Decomposition is not one of my kinks. There IS zombie porn, but that's not OK. Ever. Zombies are the enemies, people. You can't love a zombie. Except Ed in Shaun of the Dead, but those were special circumstances. And there was NOTHING erotic about that. Or rotting people in general. But yeah, Zombieland is going to be epic. Hey, where did everybody go?

Girly Shit
* My love of hats is well-documented. I adore hats. On myself and others. I own many hats. When I saw Changeling, I said to my friend, 'The lost child story is devastating, but WHERE do I get a hat like Angelina Jolie's?' I believe that a man's sex appeal increases one hundred-fold if he dons a fedora. I think hats make everything better. I even want to wear an ice cream hat. I think Lady Gaga's hats are unironically AMAZING. Oddly enough, I do not want this hat:

[Found at MostExpensive]
This is the world's most expensive hat. It costs $2.7 million. For a hat. It's not even a fedora, god dammit. It's sort of a freaky weird-looking pretentious hat. Plus hats should generally cover your head. And even being as short as me, you couldn't walk indoors with that thing without banging into shit. Also I think it's alive, so that might qualify as animal abuse. Give me Rorschach in a fedora any day. No, I'm serious. That would make me so happy, and could you IMAGINE how exciting my blog entries would be? 'Rorschach tried to escape basement. Distracted him with sugar and New Frontiersmen. Rorschach broke neighbors' finger for looking at me, then berated me for two hours for having a tattoo of his signature. Best day ever.'
All that aside, Lady Gaga could ROCK this hat and make it her bitch.

* Speaking of insanely expensive shit that I wouldn't buy even if I COULD afford it, her are speakers that cost nearly $70,000:

[Found at DVICE]
At some point, you need to stop and THINK about what you are paying for. These play music. That is all. They do not cure diseases, or make you smarter or sexier. They play music. If I had $70,000, I would MOVE OUT OF MY PARENT'S HOUSE and live a life of creativity and culture and JOY. I get kind of insane, imagining what your life must be like if you think $70,000 is a fair amount to pay for goddamn SPEAKERS. Do you feed your dog caviar and only eat baby unicorns? WHAT IS YOUR LIFE LIKE? Also, would you adopt me? I want to be decadently wealthy. YOU CAN AFFORD IT.
On an unrelated note, these speakers look like the fingers of the rock monsters from Neverending Story. Just saying. ROCK MONSTERS ARE FLIPPING YOU OFF FOR YOUR ECONOMIC CRIMES. I'm not sure I could live with that sort of judgement.


[Found at BoingBoing]
Every time you Tweet, the terrorists win. There are more posters here. My favorite is 'BECAUSE YOU BLOGGED.' I always knew my ranting about Watchmen would destroy America. Always.

* Day one was AWESOME. ALL THE AWESOME. I don't want to give spoilers, because as you all know spoilers KILL YOUR SOUL, which is why I will never use Wikpedia ever again, because you need to WARN PEOPLE, but it's OK because I have forgotten the spoiler, because such things CANNOT BE TRUE. Anyway, Ianto's scenes with his sister made me laugh/daww/cry. And he's such a formal guy, it makes me all agiggle when he gets geeked out. Day 2 is tonight. It will be amazing. It must be. This is the soapiest show I watch, and it is wonderful, and if Torchwood is hiring, please consider me for employment. As I said on Twitter last night, I would die horribly, but I'd die HAPPY, having attacked Ianto and Jack. See?
And... wow. Um, I was going to post a picture of Ianto, because he's been my favorite since the first episode (which DOES NOT BODE WELL, BUT LALALA EVERYTHING WILL BE FINE) and I got... pictures.... of him and Jack... DAMN. I forgot about that episode.... Um... that was a good episode.... Wow. Um. What was I saying? Oh, yes. Ianto Jones is a wonderful character, and NO YOU CAN'T SEE THE PICTURES. INAPPROPRIATE. AVERT YOUR EYES. Here's a nice picture of Ianto. Perverts, ALL OF YOU:

Look how sad you made Ianto. He is so disappointed in you. Not me though. I am beyond reproach.

OK, work now. Then I buy Watchmen, then I watch Torchwood, then everything in life is GOOD, dammit.
- LV


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