Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Yes Sir Cap'n Tight-Pants.

* Nathan Fillion shall be known by no other name. Title is from Firefly.

* So, here are my pictures from Watchmen: The Director's Cut. My friend Arre and I took the train in from New Jersey. We met my friends in the city. We watched. We reveled. Oh, how we reveled.

Me, in NJ before we got on the train, in my spiffy fedora. Not as spiffy as Rorschach's, but it was the sanest version of an homage I could hope for. If I look annoyed, it's because right before this picture was taken I spent fifteen minutes screaming at the car-park machine that kept spitting out my money.

My ticket, wrinkled from being clutched in a hand of love. Notice the Coca-Cola ad, which I feel Rorschach would have appreciated.

The poster for the movie. If you squint, you can see the outlines of me and my friend and photographer, Arre.

The outside of the theater where awesome happened.

Also I met some amazing fellow Watchmen fans, which is always fun. AND THE MOVIE. GAH. But not just the movie, it was the experience. To be sitting in a theater where everyone laughs at the 'four-legged chicken' joke, and cheers over 'Possible homosexual?' and covers their eyes at the end. It's such a wonderful connected feeling. It's also nice to see physical proof that I'm not alone in my love.

And today I went and picked up my copy of Watchmen: The Director's Cut. But Best Buy had a special treat for me. My DVD is a two-disc set, IN RORSCHACH'S HEAD. I am not kidding:

This is the whole box of Love.

The back.

This is the box. THIS IS A BOX IN WHICH DVDs ARE HELD. The mask is made of REAL BURLAP. The ribbon on his hat is REAL.

This is the inside of the box. It's like a tiny poster of AWESOME.

This is the back of the head. It's like looking inside his brain.

This is the side. THIS IS THE SIDE OF WIN.

So in conclusion, I am very happy with the world in general, and Watchmen in particular. Except the fact that the Ultimate Edition is on Blu-Ray only. That is the saddest news ever, and a true test of my love. Stupid Blu-Ray.
- LV


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