Thursday, August 27, 2009

Anyway, He Seemed To Be Having A Kind Of… Man-Reaction.

* You give ME a woman-reaction.... I'm sorry. I like Topher, a lot. He's awesome. Title is from Dollhouse.

* Please, please tell me this is Photoshopped:

[Found at UniqueDaily]
Because otherwise I don't know what I'll do. I mean, this is a fish with human teeth. WHAT is going on? I do not have enough caffeine in my system to watch fish evolve past us. I need this to be fake. Because this is the start of a horror movie. Animals decide we can't handle opposable thumbs, so they grow them and exterminate us, EVERYBODY RUN.

Depression Session
* This is a chart of how long you'd have to work in specific cities to be able to afford a Big Mac:

[Found at BoingBoing]
The thing is, how much are they saying a Big Mac costs? Because when my family was in Mexico, a Big Mac was much more expensive than here in New Jersey. I'm not arguing with the statistics, I'd just like to know what the base price is for a Big Mac.
Incidentally, Big Macs are gross. Go to White Castle, people.

* Thefangirlblog sent me this link, about how zombies are going to wipe us all the hell out, and we're doomed. Well, you all are. When zombies attack, I'm grabbing Jackie Earle Haley and Gareth David-Lloyd and Russell Brand and Warren Ellis and Bruce Campbell and Alan Moore, and we're all going to fight the zombies, although I think Alan Moore's beard will do most of the fighting. Bruce Campbell will just sneer at the zombies and they will explode, and Warren Ellis will yell at them. Mr. Haley will rip shirts, Russell Brand will make jokes, and Mr. David-Lloyd will be in charge of the coffee. I'll be in charge of the guns.
This will society be rebuilt.

Girly Shit
* Betsey Johnson is batshit insane:

[Found at Fashionologie]
And, as most of you know by now, I totally support this. I like crazy people. Not evil crazy people, who cause genocide and pain. More like, 'Hey, let's see what happens when I wear every single color known to man at the same time! And Ms. Johnson says she will never retire, and I am going to be watching her aging process very closely, because I fully intend to be a senile old woman with blue hair who whips pigeons and yells at buildings and just steals shit, because I am OLD, dammit. I survived, and ergo this is all mine.
Incidentally, I do like some of Betsey Johnson's clothing. Just... not all together. At the same time. That leads to blindness.

Daily Hot Guy(s)

[Chris Pine and Zachary Quinto, who are both very pretty, although my heart belongs to Mr. Quinto, who I am almost stupidly attracted to (and if rumors turn out to be true, my crush has to reluctantly transfer to Eli Roth, who looks like a less-attractive version of Zachary Quinto, although Inglourious Basterds helped that a lot. Anyway, Chris Pine is gorgeous, and Zachary Quinto is gorgeous, and Star Trek was AWESOME, and sometimes we just need two pretty guys, yeah?]

* Rufus Wainwright is goddamn great, and his voice makes angels weep, and a bunch of people posted this after Katie Holmes' hideous performance on that dancing show, because he is so much better than anyone, so watch it, and get happy:

By the way, nice legs. What? It takes a BAMF to wear pantyhose and not get a run. I still do that sometimes.

* Oh come the fuck on:
The French "Three Strikes" law is back on -- a law that can punish you for being accused of copyright infringement by cutting off your internet connection, fining you, and putting you in prison. It also criminalizes offering free internet access because pirates might use it.

Are you serious? Listen, I have always liked the French, even during that insane period where it was Freedom Toast (I thought it was a new product, and spent a few days feeling very confused) and I was delighted when I went to France and people were cool and rude, and my experience with socialized medicine (I got sick in Paris) gives me a good background to talk about things, but this is HORSE SHIT.
I mean, you don't need evidence. You just need to be accused. Three times. That's it. They take away your shit and you go to Prison, where there are prison hugs, and DO NOT WANT.
Look, I know the internet is scary, and downloading a song to listen to it is the END OF SOCIETY AS WE KNOW IT, but can we all calm down, as a species, and maybe work out some same, universal laws that we can all agree on without infringing on basic rights? Maybe? Mr. Sarkozy? Hello?

* Caro sent me this image. It makes me happy, for obvious reasons:

I want this to be the tote picture. Caro also started a blog, and I think it's the reason my blog hits are down. So did Theresa and Megan, and IT'S A CONSPIRACY ISN'T IT?! RUN! You should go read them all, actually. When all four blogs combine, we become... I don't know. Sonic the Hedgehog? I liked that cartoon. Captain Planet? He's a hero, you know.

* This shirt gives me massive girl-boner:

[Found at WBShop]
DO WANT. More than that, DO NEED, DAMMIT. I don't care that I have a myriad of Watchmen memorabilia. And a tattoo. Or that I could make a shirt (and intend to). IRRELEVANT. I need THIS shirt, and after payday today, it will be mine. Oh yes, it will be mine. If they have it in my size.
Also, the quote from the back is HOT.

* DO WANT. Today is DO WANT DAY:

[Found by Moriahbard]
OH MY GOD. My laptop could be made of LOVE, instead of sort of gross because it's getting old, and Apple doesn't seem to understand that white plastic does not hold up well against coffee.

Russell Brand
* Russell employs his friend Danny to demonstrate some of his famous sex moves. I am suddenly, profoundly jealous of this dude Danny. Leave me alone, my crush on Russell Brand stems mostly from his book, which is fabulous and sad and he is SMART, and I love his hair.

Tattoo Of Win
* I just don't know:

[Found at LOLTATZ]
And frankly, maybe it's better that way.

Words Of Win

[Found at Indexed]

* Bakon Vodka:

[Found at BakonVodka]
This may come as a surprise to all of you, but this does not fill me with glee. Just nausea. Bloody Marys do not need bacon, they are fabulous without them. Ditto vodka. Also, ew.

OK, work, again, and I have decided I am slowly becoming a zombie, because I am tired ALL the time, and I can't be turning into a vampire, because that is trendy right now, and I am a rebel, dammit. Brains?
- LV


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